Top Summer Beauty Tips To Protect Your Skin from Sunburns

Naina Roy
4 min readMay 6, 2017
Summer Beauty Tips

With the arrival of summers, getting out of your homes can be frustrating for you. However, staying inside with the air conditioners on is not a solution. So, it becomes important for you to take care of your skin as a direct exposure to sunlight may lead to sunburns. Most of the people that are conscious about their skin make their way to beauty salons. There are many attractive Salon Deals In Chandigarh that can be availed during this time. In this article, we would be discussing some of the top beauty tips that will enable you to protect your skin from the scorching heat.

1. Drink Plenty of Water

Drink Water

Consuming a lot of water during summers will keep your skin hydrated and make it less prone to damage from the direct sun. A dry skin will have a huge possibility of suffering from sunburns. Drinking at least 7 to 8 liters of water can be the best ploy that you can adopt.

2. Choosing the Right Clothes

Choosing right Clothes

You cannot always avoid the situation of going out in the peak hours of an afternoon. So, in order to protect your skin from sunburns, you must wear appropriate clothes. You must choose those clothes that cover your entire skin like full-sleeve shirts and trousers. These clothes block the sun rays from directly hitting your skin.

3. Applying Sun Screens

Apply Suns Cream

Making use of sunscreen lotions will give a lot of relief to you from the scorching heat. The people who live in coastal areas must apply these sun block lotions as these places are generally very humid and people might suffer from skin related issues during extreme heat. Depending on the heat quotient you can choose the SPF level of the sunscreen. However, it is recommended that you use at least SPF 30.

4. Facial Care

Facial Care

Visiting a beauty salon at least once or twice in the hot summer months will enable you to take a complete care of your skin. There are various therapies that many salons provide for your skin which will protect it from sunburns. During summers, a few of the salons also offer some attractive Facial Deals that will help you in saving your money. A salon will enable you to take a complete care of your skin by offering you.

5. Deep Cleansing Your Skin

Deep Cleansing Your Skin

One common problem faced by many people during summers is that their skin becomes rough. For keeping your skin healthy during extreme heat it is necessary that you deep cleanse it. You can visit any of the salons and get your skin deep cleansed. Having regular deep cleaning sessions will keep your skin clean and healthy.

6. Total Body Scrub

Total Body Scrub

Scrubbing your body from time to time during the summer months will improve the circulation of blood and also remove any of the dead skin. You can either make use of the homemade scrub or visit a salon if you need quick results. However, visiting a salon would be the better option as there are many new techniques of body scrubs that have introduced nowadays.


Above are a few of the best summer tips that will protect your skin from any kind of damage from sunburns. All you need to do is keep in mind these tips and you will avoid the hot summers to affect your skin. Most of the people don’t take care of their skin properly during the summers due to which they have to face many skin related problems. So, it would be better that start taking care of your skin if you haven’t already as skin problems are very hard to cure.

