The Hilariously Harsh World of Strict Parenting: Where Rules Rule and Laughter is a Luxury

Najiya Salam
5 min readNov 9, 2023


Parenthood is a delightful rollercoaster ride, with its fair share of ups, downs, and loop-de-loops. While some parents prefer to go with the flow, others decide to tighten the reins and embark on the adventurous journey of strict parenting. Imagine a world where rules are more sacred than ancient relics, and laughter is a luxury only granted on special occasions — and now, welcome to the realm of strict parenting!

In the world of strict parenting, the household is essentially a small, well-oiled dictatorship. The leader? The ever-vigilant, rule-enforcing parent. They’ve got more rules than a library, and they’re not afraid to enforce them with an iron fist. The households resemble something out of a spy movie, where every move is scrutinized and catalogued. Parents are more vigilant than secret agents, and they’ve got more rules than a phone book (remember those?). Think James Bond, but with a diaper bag instead of a Walther PPK. Isn’t it funny?

Drop it! I am here to talk about my world of war between my dreams or expectations and my parents.

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War №1 — The Indoor Explorer

For me going outside is as rare as spotting Bigfoot, which means indoor activities take centre stage. I become explorer of my own homes, discovering the untapped potential of every nook and cranny. The attic transforms into an enchanted castle, the basement into a secret laboratory, (The basement thing is the additional to make it more imaginary, actually I don’t have any basement in my exploring house) and the living room into a jungle full of wild plush animals. It is more like this: “The day I made it to the refrigerator without being caught? Legendary!”.

Now solution: Luckily I got a chance to see the outside world when I am going to college. It is also restricted for me to go out but I manage to being sneaky with my supportive friends. Lol.

I really want to scream!!!!!

War №2 — The Voice Suppression Challenge

In my entire life, there’s a peculiar sport that I have to master: The Voice Suppression Challenge. I learn to speak in hushed tones, resembling a secret society plotting a coup. Expressing my thoughts becomes a clandestine operation, and speaking volumes is as peculiar as a talking toaster. It started when I turned to 16, if I don’t agree to anything that my parents say then Ok bye, it is the end! Even which dress I wear is the decision of them. I even think the law of freedom (article…something..something) is only in my books.

Now solution: Aaah! Really can’t find any solution for this.

The teacher took my 3%.

War №3 — The Phone Paradox

Mobile phones in my house serve as both a tether to the outside world and a source of intrigue. Parents employ ninja-level monitoring, making James Bond’s gadgets look like child’s play. At last I even think of learning Morse code to communicate, because if I ever message to a boy a normal message or a normal replay to their message, then there is a bomb blast in my house because of the doubt my parents have. Because of the doubt I want to cut all the boys part when narrating an incident in my college and now it more like a women’s college. And with my supportive friends group chats become a digital Morse code convention. The conclusion of this war is, my phone is in under control of my parents even the music listening is prohibited for me, but I found my own loop holes to entertainment with phone, laptop, I pad.

Now solution: There are more solution than a phone book (the funny part is I remember it all like it is the mission even if I can’t remember any single word from my text book).

As with all great stories, a resolution is in order. Striking a balance between safety and freedom, encouraging open communication, and fostering creativity is essential. After all, this indoor explorer is brimming with potential, just waiting to burst out like a spring-loaded jack-in-the-box.

My greatest opinion about me.

As the conclusion part I like to say some of the benefits that I got because of strict parenting. In a world where the backyard becomes an uncharted wilderness and speaking above a whisper is a daring feat, I developed a unique set of skills like, lying, detailed observing — if I take anything from anywhere without knowing them then I want to put that back in the correct place before they know, the wide range ear — seriously, I can hear my dad’s bike or car sound from a distance and after that there is no good girl like me exists in this whole wide world. And there are more skills like these that I secretly learned to become a good child (oh no! to act as a good child) even if I know that I am cheating them, I really don’t have any ways left to enjoy myself and to follow my dreams. (I sincerely pray that my parents don’t see this).



Najiya Salam

A Student | Narrate a simple 20 years story and thoughts like something terrible happened,but...... there is nothing!!