Computer Network Components

Najmus Sakib
2 min readJan 27, 2022


Network components are the major point which are need to install the software. Some important components are NIC, switch, cable, hub & router. Depending on the type of network that we needed to install, some network components can also be removed. For example, the wireless network does not require a cable.

Following the major components required to installation network:

NIC defined the “Network Interface card”. Each system or computer in a computer network must have a card called NIC. The main purpose of NIC “network interface card” is to format the data, data sanding and receive the data at receiving node.

  • NIC stands for network interface card.
  • The MAC address or physical address is encoded on the network card chip which is assigned by the IEEE to uniquely identify a network card. The MAC address is store the Programmable read-only memory.
  • NIC is a hardware component used to connect a computer with another computer network
  • It can support a transfer rate of 1000 to 10,100 Mb/s.

Types of NIC

There are two types

  1. Wired NIC
  2. Wireless NIC

Switch: is like center point anyway as opposed to broadcasting an approaching information demand it utilizes the actual gadget address in the approaching solicitation to move the solicitation to address server PC.

Hub: goes about as a gadget that interfaces all the PC in an organization to one another. Any solicitation that comes from a customer PC initially got by Hub and afterward center send this solicitation over an organization so the right server gets and react to it.

cable: wire that is utilized to interface more than one PCs or different gadgets, for example, printers and scanner to one another.

Router: joins various PC organizations to one another. For instance lets say an organization runs 100 PCs over a neighborhood) and another organization runs one more LAN of 150 PCs. These the two LANs can be associated with one another through a web association which is given by the switch.

Router Advantages

Security: Information which transmitted to the network will traverse the entire cable, but the only specific device which has been addressed can read the data.

Reliability: Server has stopped function, the network goes down, but no other network are affect that are served by the router.

Performance: Router enhances the all performance of the network. Suppose there are 24 workstations in a networks generates a same amount of traffic. This increases the traffic load on the network. Router splits the single networks in two networks of 12 workstations each, reduces the traffic load by half.

learn more: Computer Network Components

