5 Foolproof Craps Betting Systems

Russ Cooper
2 min readJan 28, 2020

Works Every Time — guaranteed! (First of several times I’ll say guaranteed!)

Roll them bones or whatever (Image: Clker)

Going to Vegas?

Want to know the best ways to win at craps? Or at least limit your losses? But don’t want to memorize some boring dodgy complicated system?


Pick any of the following systems, and I guarantee you will take home more of your money than you would have otherwise!


How many times can I say Guaranteed?

At least one more!


5) The “Hey, Yo, Check This Out!” System

1. Bet one (1) chip

2. Yell “Blackjack! Pay up suckers!” after every roll

3. Repeat, oh, probably three or four times, tops

4. Get barred from casino

5. Success!

4) The “One And Done” System

1. Throw dice into dealer’s face.

2. Say “oops.”

3. Then shout “I mean, Blackjack! Pay up…

