Sexy Super Bowl Halftime Show Too Sexy

Russ Cooper
2 min readFeb 3, 2020

Due To All The Sexiness

I Got The Vapors! (shocked pic: max60500)



Where’s my pearls! I must clutch them!

Our kids were innocently watching men pummel and kick each other, and then… this!

Two women who I don’t think are even real Americans hippy-dancing and all around booty-fying our precious Super Bowl Halftime Show!

Oh the vapors!

Those delightful loin-tingling vapors!

Get back to the wholesome beer commercials!

Quick! Cut to those unhealthy junk food commercials! Think of the children! Our fat, badly fed, nutrient-deficient children!

I’m still in shock! I’ve watched it 47 times, and I get more aroused — I mean, stimulated — I mean —

(punches own face)

Boycott Pepsi! We’ll switch to another sugar-choked drink to get diabetes by!


Whatever happened to family friendly? Like beauty pageants! They teach our kids a real woman’s worth!

What’s next? Dr. Ruth? On a stripper pole! I mean, I’d pay to see that on my computer, but not in my living room! In front of all my family! Especially the children! Did I mention the children? You know, the ones that…

