Yay! Lady Gaga Is Weird Again!

Russ Cooper
2 min readMar 2, 2020

We All Need A Little Weird In Our Lives Right About Now

Weird screenshot from weird video “Stupid Love”

This Just In — Gaga is weird again! Grab your meat dresses and hang on!

After some recent more mainstream appearances and videos, she’s back to her good old crazy-bizarre ways in her video “Stupid Love.” A surreal mix of “Mad Max” and an Area 51 dance party, the House of Gaga is in full form, with colorful costumes and alien looking backgrounds and…

Ahhhh, it’s just so gooood to be strange again.

For a while Billie Eilish had taken up the Weird Vibe Mantle, what with spiders crawling out of her mouth, and hypodermic needles sticking out her back…

Cool, but let’s face it, nobody does gaga like Gaga.

I always admire artists that go the psychedelic-imaginative route, who test the boundaries, and explore waaay outside the box. They take us to places our consciousnesses have never been before, show us strange alternate possibilities, and just plain blow our minds.

