Are You Over 40 and Struggling to Lose Weight? Join the Beginning of My Journey and Get Your Free Recipe Book

Nakia Allen
4 min readDec 27, 2023

You are not alone if you are struggling to lose weight after 40. We know there are multiple reasons for this, but the most important one is the change in metabolism as we age. I understand the challenge as a 40-something with a full plate — a demanding job, an active child, and a myriad of daily responsibilities. But when it comes to shedding those stubborn 20–30lbs, the battle feels uphill. Join me as I unravel my personal journey, strategies, and a special gift to kickstart your weight-loss journey.

The Turning Point: Journaling My Way to Weight Loss

Whenever I’m faced with problem-solving dilemmas or unresolved feelings, I typically journal to work through them; therefore, weight loss is no different. I documented every morsel for two weeks — from fast food indulgences (Chick-fil-A with a vanilla ice-cream cone appetizer) to homemade staples (sausage and peppers over white rice). Recording the time of each meal and expressing my feelings about food, especially the items I craved or missed, was illuminating. This wasn’t just a food log listing my consumption and calculating calories but, more importantly, about understanding my relationship with food.

The journaling exercise helped me identify what needed change. It wasn’t about food deprivation but moderation and making more intelligent choices. For instance, my beloved broccoli sundried tomato fusilli underwent a transformation — butter was replaced with a dash of olive oil, fusilli with zoodles (zucchini noodles), and the chicken baked instead of pan-fried. The results? It’s different but equally delicious, hitting all the right flavor notes without guilt.

Navigating Food Allergies and Recipe Adaptations

As someone with food allergies — say goodbye to sesame seeds — and food texture challenges, I had to be creative while researching different low-calorie recipes. I developed an alternate ingredient list and altered preparation methods to help me overcome these challenges without compromising taste. For hummus dips as a healthy snack, I used a combination of cashew and macadamia butter to substitute the tahini! To get past the texture of chia seeds in chia pudding, I blended it, giving the pudding a nice smooth texture. YUM!

Substitutions of my favorite recipes are calculated. Olive oil during stove cooking, used sparingly at a ratio of 3:4, and applesauce in baking instead of butter provide healthier fats without unnecessary caloric intake. Zoodles were a revelation — lower in carbs, aiding blood sugar control, and surprisingly satisfying. Hence, my ingredient replacements are not just about losing weight; they are about embracing a healthier lifestyle, scientifically backed and deliciously executed.

Embarking on a Culinary Adventure: My Recipe Book for You

While exploring my weight loss journey, I compiled an array of low-fat recipes — smoothies, grilled fish, and veggies galore. My compilation is not simply a list of recipes; it’s a chronicle of my journey, adapting to a healthier lifestyle while managing my food allergies and taste preferences. I also do not have much time to labor in the kitchen, so I try to select easily prepared dishes. Since I am confident sharing a selection of my recipe treasure trove will bring joy to others for this upcoming New Year and help jumpstart your healthier lifestyle journey, you can download a free copy of “Light & Lively: Flavorful Low-Calorie Recipes for Weight Loss” now!

Join My Journey and Share Yours

I am still on this path, incorporating low-impact exercises into my routine, mindful of my asthma and past left knee surgery. I believe in customizing a plan that fits your goals and life circumstances. And I invite you to join me. Follow my updates, share your experiences, and let’s support each other.

Final Thoughts

This post isn’t just my story but an encouragement for anyone over 40 battling weight loss and seeking varied recipe options while dealing with dietary restrictions. It’s for journal enthusiasts who believe in the power of penning down thoughts and those seeking a blend of mental well-being and physical health.

Embarking on a healthier lifestyle journey that includes mental wellness and weight loss, especially for those over 40, requires patience, resilience, and a bit of creativity. But it’s also an opportunity for self-discovery and growth. Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about progress. Give yourself grace as you navigate this path. Let’s embark on a journey toward a healthier, happier life together.



Nakia Allen

I am a mother, life-long learner, physician, and creative soul researching various topics to enrich my time on Earth and personal knowledge base.