A mysterious flying object in China causes panic, and it is not a rocket

Nakia Filson
1 min readNov 10, 2018


Last Thursday, a mysterious light appeared on China causing the bewilderment among the inhabitants.(mysterious flying object in China)

The witnesses shared photos and videos of a mysterious unidentified flying object that seems to illuminate the night sky as if it were a torch over Beijing, Chongqing, Shanxi and Mongolia.(mysterious flying object in China)

Quickly, Chinese social networks were filled with videos and disconcerting images of the mysterious phenomenon, with users discussing their true origin. Some described the two minute phenomenon as very bright white rays in the form of a ‘big tail’ or ‘artificial light’ that emanates from the clouds and moves slowly through the sky.(mysterious flying object in China)

An editor of a military magazine with the user name “Weaponmagazine-Xiaoning” said the images could be a test of the top-secret hypersonic plane ‘DF-ZF’, previously known by the Pentagon as ‘WU-14’. However, the Chinese authorities have not offered an official version of the strange sighting.

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