Studios Closed Festivals Cancelled but the music industry isn’t going anywhere

NAKK Music
2 min readApr 20, 2020


We have seen the early fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and it is making us all but hopeful. Life itself seemingly halted a few weeks ago and here we are now wondering if it will ever pick back up. Concerts and festivals worldwide cancelled from small venues to the largest festivals like Coachella and SXSW. Studios across the country have closed their doors to collect dust until life resumes to normalcy (whatever that may be).

There is one thing we can remain hopeful about, although things may be changing what we love is not going anywhere, music is a fundamental part of human life and it finds a way no matter what. And artists are still doing what they do best, expressing their emotions and experiences in these trying times through music.

Many artists have actually taken charge of the coronavirus hardships and are using it to make music that is not only relevant, but relatable for mostly anyone these days. As we are all feeling some sort of pain or struggle in this time, whether it is financial, or the virus has effected us or those we love, or just the general feeling of unknowingness that looms over our heads like a dark cloud.

cover art for Comethazines newest album Pandemic
cover art for Dababy’s newest album Blame it on Baby

Two of last years XXL Freshman class recently released “coronavirus inspired” music taking advantage of the time on their hands from this pandemic and using it to further their music, what more could you want from your favorite artist while you don’t have anything better to do than be stuck in your house all day.



NAKK Music

We cover the music industry, pop culture, taking apart samples, artists, music entertainment and news.