The Best App to Listen to Podcast

Daily Blog ten/365

Nakul Gupta
2 min readJul 28, 2018


As I told you guys about some of the habits I do stay at the top of my game, one of the practices I do is listening to the podcast when commuting. Check out my favorite podcast I have subscribed to here. Post that article, few people have asked me about the app I use to listen to the podcast. The app I use is Overcast, and I think it’s one of the best. The app is free, but if you want to use its full potential, it would cost you $9.99.

You can find all of your favorite podcasts there. The features that set it apart are Voice Boost and Smart Speed.

When you enable Voice Boost, it will amplify the volume keeping voices smooth. Not like other apps where the voice sounds distorted. There are some of the podcasts in my list which are hard to hear if you’re driving at high speed or you have more car cabin noise.

The other notable feature, Smart Speed, shortens the silent parts in the podcast maintaining the pitch of the voices. The voices don’t go high or low. You can manually select the speed unto 3x. I prefer it in auto mode.

The app also has the Dark mode, offline listening, etc.

Check out this app. I would definitely include this app in my “Apps I use for Productivity.”

This is not a sponsored post, of course.

