Database Design Example

Don Nalaka
2 min readJan 23, 2020

This is a simple database design example.


01.Create Use Case Diagram

02. Create Conceptual Design of the Database. Identifying the entities and the relationship.

03. Logical Design of the Database. Explains the Cardinality.

An employee should have a department and in a department, there can be Zero or Many employees. Likewise, Logical DB Design should indicate cardinality.

Then further it can be normalized by removing many to many relationships.

Whenever you see a Many to Many relationship It means it can be further normalized (segregated into another table) to make the best out of DBMS.

If you use MySQL workbench you can even reverse engineer the DB design. You can either create the tables with the Primary Keys and Foreign Keys then extract the Logical Database Diagram as below. Also, you could create a Logical design and extract the tables from it



Don Nalaka

Freelance writer from Sri Lanka, Currently resides in Sydney, Australia, covering Tech, Coding, Fin-tech, People Management, Sri Lankan Politics and more.