ApplePie: Revolutionizing Mining with Pool-as-a-Service: A Paradigm Shift in DeFi

5 min readFeb 10, 2024


In the twist and turns of the fast-paced world of decentralized finance, the introduction of Pool-as-a-Service (PaaS) by platforms like ApplePie proves to be a game-changer. PaaS pioneers a fresh perspective on traditional liquidity mining by offering an innovative and democratic approach to the process.

Historically, cryptocurrency mining required commitment to specific project tokens, effectively tying up user funds in one particular ecosystem. This system presented advantages for some, but also imposed considerable limitations on investor flexibility, frequently resulting in liquidity silos.

This is where PaaS steps in, prying open these silos and empowering users to consolidate their digital assets into shared “ovens”. These ovens divest from project-specific tokens, thereby allowing for more fluid and flexible liquidity distribution.

Moreover, PaaS ensures that returns are doled out in the same currency initially invested, providing protection against token-price volatility and amplifying the simplicity and accessibility of DeFi investment.

With PaaS, ApplePie is not only crafting a new narrative in DeFi mining but is also making this sector more rewarding, inclusive, and user-oriented. It’s time to reimagine the landscape of liquidity mining with ApplePie’s Pool-as-a-Service approach, shaping a DeFi ecosystem that champions diversity, flexibility, and shared success.

A New Frontier in Liquidity Pools

A New Frontier in Liquidity Pools

ApplePie’s take on traditional liquidity mining comes in the form of Pool-as-a-Service (PaaS) — a pioneering move that democratizes the mining process. This approach allows users to merge their assets into collective “ovens,” sidestepping the need for project-specific tokens, ensuring returns are paid out in the initially invested currency.

The ApplePie DeFi platform serves up several specialized “ovens” — each corresponding to a different cryptocurrency, but all with a shared promise of compelling returns:

  • The BNB Oven: A doorway to 10% daily ROI potential for those choosing to stake Binance Coin (BNB).
  • The USDT Oven: Catering to stablecoin enthusiasts, this oven is designed for USDT deposits.
  • The CAKE Oven: Investors can stake CAKE tokens and enjoy a sweet slice of potential profits.

Expanding DeFi Reach with EVM Compatible Ovens: The Future of Cross-Chain Mining

The world of cryptocurrency is like a galaxy — vast, complex, and continuously expanding. Central to this digital cosmos are blockchains, each operating like individual planets, hosting their unique ecosystems. However, the real magic occurs when these worlds connect, facilitating the seamless movement of assets and ideas. This is the promise held by EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible ovens within the pioneering Pool-as-a-Service model offered by ApplePie.

EVM compatibility means that these “ovens” can understand and execute transactions across different blockchains that share the same computational framework as Ethereum. The advantage here is immense. Users are no longer restricted to operations within a single blockchain but can instead engage in a form of cross-chain mining that leverages the strengths of multiple platforms.

Allow me to introduce the EVM compatible blockchains that ApplePie has incorporated into their ecosystem:

EVM compatible blockchains that ApplePie has incorporated into their ecosystem

1. Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Renowned for its low transaction costs and high throughput, Binance Smart Chain stands out as a preferred choice for many DeFi applications. With an EVM compatible oven dedicated to BSC, users can stake their BNB and other BSC-native tokens, maximizing their earnings through more efficient mining opportunities.

2. Ethereum

Despite high gas fees, Ethereum’s robust and mature environment makes it an irreplaceable hub in DeFi. An oven compatible with Ethereum allows users to take part in the vast array of opportunities on this chain, from staking Ether to engaging with numerous ERC-20 based protocols.

3. Avalanche

A notable player in the DeFi space, Avalanche boasts high transaction output and swift finality. Its addition to the ApplePie platform means users can now exploit the scalability and versatility of Avalanche for potentially lucrative mining prospects.

4. Moonbeam

Moonbeam represents a unique bridge between the Ethereum blockchain and Polkadot’s ecosystem. By including a Moonbeam-compatible oven, ApplePie endorses a versatile approach to DeFi, endorsing assets that leverage this interoperable design.

5. Matic (Polygon)

Polygon, previously known as Matic Network, offers a multi-chain system aimed at resolving issues of scalability on Ethereum. By incorporating Polygon, ApplePie provides users with yet another avenue for fast and cost-effective mining.

6. Fantom

With its high-speed consensus mechanism, Fantom is a rising star in the DeFi sector. Including Fantom in the ApplePie ecosystem aligns users with an avenue for mining that not only promises speed but also higher throughput and reduced costs.

Through the incorporation of these EVM compatible ovens, ApplePie’s Pool-as-a-Service model transcends ordinary DeFi capabilities. It’s a testament to the platform’s commitment to diversifying user experience and expanding potential earnings. Each oven is not just a tool but a portal — a gateway to the novel terrains of each blockchain, all the while maintaining the comfort of a familiar and user-friendly interface.

Redefining DeFi with Community-Driven Governance

Unlike centralized platforms, ApplePie bakes up a system where every voice can be heard. Its governance model is hinged on community engagement, empowering users to have a direct impact on the platform’s evolution.

The Governance Process: From Seeds to Fruits

  • Brainstorming Ideas: The community comes together to propose and discuss potential platform enhancements.
  • Voting on Proposals: Members vote on their preferred initiatives, enabling a democratic consensus to be reached.
  • Implementation Phase: The winning proposals move from the drawing board to real-world execution.


ApplePie stands out as a DeFi platform that not only promises to reconfigure the investment landscape with its PaaS model but also pledges to put the power into the hands of its community with an inclusive governance system. This holistic approach ensures that ApplePie isn’t just another DeFi solution — it’s a participatory ecosystem where every investor can have a slice of the pie.

The journey to a more open and profitable DeFi space begins with platforms like ApplePie, where innovation meets inclusivity. Join us at the forefront of the DeFi revolution, where your voice and your investments equally shape the future.

Explore ApplePie in website and let’s bake a better financial future together.

To learn more about ApplePie Finance and its offerings:


  • Username: Nalweyiso
  • BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x7AbDb7e865E53a4F51B38370812FfD1d2793Ebbf

