Earn Passive Income with Apple Pie Mining Rewards Pool on Binance Smart Chain

5 min readJan 27, 2024


Earn Passive Income with Apple Pie Mining Rewards Pool on Binance Smart Chain

Introducing ApplePie, the decentralized BNB mining rewards pool dApp on the Binance Smart Chain (#BSC) that offers you the opportunity to achieve financial independence and earn passive income.

In today’s fast-paced world, having a passive income source is no longer a luxury but a necessity. It provides you with the freedom to pursue your passions, spend more time with loved ones, and live life on your own terms. That’s where ApplePie comes in.

With its mission to revolutionize decentralized finance, ApplePie Finance provides a platform where users can participate in BNB mining and earn rewards. By locking your BNB tokens into the ApplePie ecosystem, you can start earning passive income. The platform utilizes an innovative algorithm to distribute rewards based on your contribution to the pool.

With ApplePie, you can maximize your returns and earn up to 10% daily ROI by simply staking your assets in the different ovens available — BNB, USDT, and CAKE. Imagine generating consistent income while you sleep, sip coffee, or embark on your dream vacation.

About Apple Pie

Apple Pie is a decentralized mining rewards pool dApp based on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It offers a straightforward and convenient way for users to earn passive income by staking their BNB, USDT, or CAKE tokens. With a high gamble and high reward strategy, Apple Pie promises an exciting annual percentage rate (APR) that can validate your investment.

The Key Ingredients of Apple Pie


The concept of pool-as-a-service is at the core of Apple Pie. This idea involves pooling your funds to earn a moderate return on investment. Unlike traditional yield farming protocols, Apple Pie allows you to receive returns in the currency you have invested, reducing the risk of token devaluation. The project offers various ovens (pools) where you can stake your tokens and earn attractive rewards.

Ovens on Apple Pie

Currently, Apple Pie offers three ovens for you to choose from:

  1. BNB Oven: This oven allows you to stake your BNB tokens in the pool and earn a delicious BNB pie with a potential daily return of up to 10%. It’s a great way to put your BNB to work and watch your investments grow.
  2. USDT Oven: The stablecoin USDT is a popular choice for risk-averse investors. With the USDT oven, you can stake your USDT tokens and receive hot crisp USDT rewards in return. It’s a safe and reliable way to earn passive income.
  3. CAKE Oven: If you’re a fan of Pancakeswap and its native token CAKE, the CAKE oven is perfect for you. By staking your CAKE tokens in this oven, you can enjoy a mouthwatering 10% ROI-ed hot pie. It’s a sweet deal that can satisfy your investment cravings.

EVM Compatible Ovens: Exploring Subsequent Blockchains

EVM Compatible Ovens: Exploring Subsequent Blockchains

When it comes to decentralized mining rewards pools, one of the key considerations is the compatibility of various blockchains. In the case of Apple Pie, it offers ovens that are compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This means that these blockchains are subsequent blockchains parallel to the Ethereum blockchain and operate on the same hierarchical type. Let’s take a closer look at some of these EVM compatible ovens:

Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Binance Smart Chain is a popular blockchain known for its low transaction fees and high transaction speed. As an EVM-compatible chain, it allows for seamless integration with smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). Apple Pie has chosen BSC as its primary chain, offering users the opportunity to stake their BNB tokens and earn attractive rewards.


Ethereum is the pioneer of smart contracts and the most widely recognized blockchain for decentralized applications. Being EVM-compatible, Ethereum allows developers to easily port their applications and smart contracts to other EVM-compatible chains. This compatibility enables Apple Pie to tap into the vast Ethereum ecosystem and provide users with an additional avenue for earning passive income.


Avalanche is a rapidly growing blockchain that aims to provide high transaction throughput and near-instant finality. With its EVM compatibility, Avalanche offers developers a familiar environment to build and deploy smart contracts. Apple Pie’s integration with Avalanche brings new opportunities for users to stake their tokens and earn rewards on this emerging blockchain.


Moonbeam is a Polkadot parachain that provides an Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform for developers. By leveraging Moonbeam’s EVM compatibility, Apple Pie expands its reach to the Polkadot ecosystem. Users can stake their tokens on Moonbeam and benefit from the network’s unique features and interoperability.


Matic, also known as Polygon, is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum. With its EVM compatibility, Matic allows for seamless integration with Ethereum’s smart contracts and assets. Apple Pie’s integration with Matic offers users an additional option to stake their tokens on a Layer 2 solution and enjoy scalable and cost-effective transactions.


Fantom is a high-performance, scalable blockchain that aims to provide instant transactions and low fees. As an EVM-compatible chain, Fantom offers developers a familiar environment to build and deploy smart contracts. Apple Pie’s integration with Fantom provides users with an alternative blockchain to stake their tokens and earn rewards.

By supporting multiple EVM-compatible chains, Apple Pie ensures a wider range of options for users to stake their tokens and earn passive income. The compatibility of these subsequent blockchains allows for seamless integration and enhances the overall user experience.


Apple Pie is not just another mining rewards pool; it’s a gateway to financial independence. By staking your tokens in the Apple Pie ovens, you can earn passive income and take control of your finances. The project’s commitment to transparency, decentralization, and community participation sets it apart from the crowd. However, it’s important to remember that investing in Apple Pie involves risks, as it is a high-risk, high-reward strategy.

#ApplePie #PIE #100xreturns #BNB #pancakeswap #trade #autoyield #earnreward #staking #pinksale

So, if you’re ready to take a bite of the Apple Pie and embark on a journey towards financial freedom, join the Apple Pie community today.

To learn more about ApplePie Finance and its offerings:


  • Username: Nalweyiso
  • BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x7AbDb7e865E53a4F51B38370812FfD1d2793Ebbf

