Why Should I Study Bhagavad Gita?


When we are young, we ask many questions to our parents. We ask questions like:

  • Who am I?
  • What is this world that I live in?
  • Why do I have do be sometimes happy and sometimes sad?
  • Who created me?
  • Who is God? What does he/she looks like?
  • Why are some people mean while some people very good?
  • How can I be always happy and enjoy?

Unfortunately, most of the parents are unable to answer these questions. So, our curiosity remains unsatisfied. Further, we are sometimes scolded and are forced to believe that such query is bad. Thus, we slowly stop asking real questions.

I am saying these are real questions because this is connected to our deepest desires i.e. to know who we are and to be happy. What can be more important than to know who you are and what will give you permanent happiness?

Now these questions and many other important topics are dealt with in Bhagvad Gita. That is why one should read Gita.

Gita is like that tree which never stops giving. It is like an endless river of nectar, and one who dives in it gets filled with transcendental knowledge. One attains permanent peace and happiness if he follows the message of Gita. Thus, reading Gita is the best self-help activity that one can do.

However, many times we face problems and are unable to read Bhagvad Gita ourselves. It is difficult to understand the topics by ourselves without having a proper mentor. By the mercy of my Guru and other great Saints, I have started one online course which will cover the entire subject matter of Bhagvad Gita

Interested seekers of knowledge can participate in this online course. They will also get certificates of completion as well as many other benefits.

So my final appeal is to take benefit of Bhagvad Gita and perfect your life. Once you will enter the ocean called Bhagvad Gita, you’ll realize that your entire life has changed. You’ll find more perfection in whatever job you do. And this I can claim from my personal experience too.

Don’t miss this knowledge!




Prof. Laxmidhar Behera (Dr. Lila Purushottam Das)

Senior Robotics Professor at IIT Kanpur and a Spiritual Seeker teaching students for more than 35 years on Science of Spirituality