From Your Daughter: Thank You for Your Fatherhood

Emily LaDouceur
2 min readFeb 26, 2018



I know love because you loved me.

I know community because you were selfless and never thought twice about helping others.

I know integrity because you modeled it for me.

I know sports because you taught and encouraged me.

I know my way around a car because you patiently showed me.

I know how to fish because you shared your passions with me.

But also…

I know equity because you always did what you could to level the playing field for everyone.

I know justice because you modeled fairness in your home.

I know liberation because you never tried to shrink me, only empower me.

I know God because you lived a life of character, driven by an innate desire to make life better for those around you.

I am authentically me…because you were always authentically you. Thank you for molding and shaping me with the perfect balance of firm guidance and freedom. When I am at my best, I am your daughter.

I love you. I miss you.

