Reconciliation in ReactJS: The Ultimate Guide

Namaste UI
3 min readMar 2, 2023


Reconciliation is a core process in ReactJS that allows the framework to efficiently update the user interface (UI) based on changes in state or props. Reconciliation is the process of comparing the previous state of the UI with the new state and updating only the parts of the UI that have changed.

In this ultimate guide, we will explore the concept of reconciliation in ReactJS and provide a detailed explanation of how it works. We will cover the different strategies used by ReactJS to optimize reconciliation and provide best practices for developers to improve the performance of their React applications.

The Process of Reconciliation

When an application is first loaded, ReactJS creates a virtual representation of the UI called the Virtual DOM. The Virtual DOM is a lightweight copy of the actual DOM that ReactJS uses to perform reconciliation. When there is a change in the state or props of a component, ReactJS compares the previous Virtual DOM with the new Virtual DOM and calculates the minimum number of changes required to update the UI.

ReactJS then applies the necessary changes to the actual DOM to update the UI. This process of comparing the previous and new Virtual DOM and updating the actual DOM is known as reconciliation.

Strategies for Optimizing Reconciliation

ReactJS uses several strategies to optimize reconciliation and improve the performance of the application. Some of the strategies are:

1. Key Attribute

ReactJS uses the key attribute to identify the elements in the UI. When an element is updated, ReactJS uses the key attribute to determine whether to update the existing element or create a new one. Using a unique key attribute for each element helps ReactJS to perform reconciliation efficiently.

2. PureComponent

ReactJS provides a PureComponent class that automatically implements the shouldComponentUpdate method. The shouldComponentUpdate method determines whether a component should update or not based on changes in props and state. By using PureComponent, developers can optimize reconciliation by preventing unnecessary updates.

3. React.memo

ReactJS also provides a memo function that can be used to optimize functional components. The memo function is similar to PureComponent and prevents unnecessary updates by comparing the previous props with the new props.

4. Virtualization

Virtualization is a technique used to optimize large lists by rendering only the visible elements on the screen. ReactJS provides several libraries such as react-window and react-virtualized that implement virtualization to improve performance.

Best Practices for Reconciliation

To improve the performance of ReactJS applications, developers can follow some best practices for reconciliation:

1. Use Immutable Data

Using immutable data structures can help to optimize reconciliation by reducing the number of changes required to update the UI. Immutable data structures prevent in-place mutations and ensure that changes in the state or props create new objects.

2. Minimize the Size of Components

Components with a large number of sub-components can cause performance issues during reconciliation. To optimize reconciliation, developers should minimize the size of components and break them down into smaller components.

3. Avoid Deep Nesting

Deep nesting of components can also cause performance issues during reconciliation. To optimize reconciliation, developers should avoid deep nesting and try to keep the component tree shallow.


Reconciliation is a core process in ReactJS that allows the framework to efficiently update the UI based on changes in state or props. By using strategies such as key attributes, PureComponent, React.memo, and virtualization, developers can optimize reconciliation and improve the performance of their React applications. By following best practices such as using immutable data, minimizing the size of components, and avoiding deep nesting, developers can ensure that their React applications are fast and responsive.

