What’s Eating Elon Musk

3 min readAug 22, 2023


An open letter to Elon

When I think of Elon Musk, the first question that comes to mind is what he is still doing on this planet. Shouldn’t he have reached Mars by now? Isn’t his Mars mission expected to achieve its ultimate success by now?!

I am eager to find out where he is stuck and what is consuming him. I would like to comprehension of this matter as I am still a fan of Elon. However, I am feeling quite lost currently.

I am disappointed because he seems more focused on social media than the progress of the space mission. Perhaps his excessive attention to social media is just a way to pass the time. The progress of space exploration may have to wait a bit longer, which may explain why he’s also been caught up in the gossip mill regarding Mark Zuckerberg’s involvement in wrestling.

But the problem is these days, he appears to assign great value to things that hold little worth. His behaviour indicates that he wants those in his circle or his followers to view these insignificant moments as the only reality. He is trying to persuade his followers to pay attention to his daily gossip and rumours. Twitter to X is the best example of this.

From my understanding, he currently has no guide or advisor to turn to. He’s in the highest position of authority and power. The issue is, that individuals in such positions often lack someone to turn to during tough times and receive valuable feedback and criticism. Unfortunately, many people aren’t brave enough or cannot do so. It’s unclear who can provide him with this feedback and who he will be willing to listen to. As a result, Elon Musk is missing out on necessary feedback and criticism.

My ultimate aspiration is to take part in space exploration missions and become a Mars pioneer. Noman to Mars Man. SpaceX is my top and only pick in this regard. And if I were employed there, my position of choice would be to become the Vision Director.

I have invented a job position called “Vision Director”. They are the visionary ones. Individuals in this position must remain completely focused on the vision until it is achieved. They are required to dedicate all their thoughts and efforts towards this goal from the moment they wake up till they go to sleep. They would act as a co-pilot to visionaries like Elon Musk, and be present at SpaceX, monitoring the project while Elon is in the boxing ring.

Having one visionary like Elon is great, but having two can lead to faster progress.

Dear Mr. Elon Musk, you may already have a team of talented individuals with you, but I believe it would be beneficial to align with more visionary individuals and appoint one as a co-pilot in the role of Vision Director.

The fact is “Being Alone” is eating you up every day, even if you try to ignore it. You have the freedom to do whatever you please. Still, perhaps it would be beneficial to surround yourself with someone who shares your dream of creating a multi-planetary civilization and building a Space City on Mars. A place where there is a large playground and numerous small homes; is the perfect address for a new beginning.

I don't understand why you seem so discouraged and why you're no longer thirsty. Maybe all this is my wrong observation but one thing I always believe is that only you can make us multi-planetary and hope that you can.

Mr. Elon Musk, I am writing to express my interest in the “Vision Director” position that may be available in the future.

