Misaja Subasinghe
2 min read3 days ago

The Avengers Reassemble: Original Cast Returns for Disney+ Project

In an unexpected and thrilling turn of events, the original six cast members of the iconic 2012 film *The Avengers* have reunited for an extraordinary new project on Disney+. Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, and Jeremy Renner, who brought to life Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye respectively, have come together for the first time in nearly six years to dub the film in the native Lakota language.

This unique version of *The Avengers* was released on Disney+ on Friday, July 5th. The project not only celebrates the beloved superhero team but also aims to reintroduce and promote the Lakota language, a significant cultural endeavor that has taken over 15 months to bring to fruition. It involved 62 Lakota-Dakota speakers working alongside the original Avengers cast to create a truly special adaptation.

Marvel Studios released an intriguing behind-the-scenes video showcasing the original six stars reuniting and offering a glimpse into the fun-filled and challenging recording process. The project presented a unique set of challenges, especially in learning and accurately pronouncing the Lakota language, which is markedly different from English.

Mark Ruffalo, who plays the Hulk, detailed the difficulties involved in getting the actors together and mastering the “daunting language.” He emphasized that aligning everyone’s schedules was a significant hurdle, but the cast was enthusiastic about the project. “It’s a daunting language: There are sounds that we just don’t have in our language that they have in theirs. But once you start to get there, it feels really good,” Ruffalo shared.

Ray Taken Alive, the executive producer of the Lakota Project, expressed immense pride in reuniting the A-list cast for such a meaningful cause. He highlighted the importance of this project in revitalizing a language that was once suppressed. “You have the most famous film franchise in the world and some of the most famous actors, celebrities, and characters speaking our Lakota language that was once banned,” he enthused. “So, a really beautiful thing from the project is that our language doesn’t have to hide anymore.”

This initiative not only brings the Avengers back together but also shines a light on the importance of preserving and promoting indigenous languages. It’s a powerful reminder that even the most fantastical stories can be used to make a real-world impact, celebrating cultural diversity and history in an innovative and engaging way. The reassembled Avengers, through this project, have once again proven their heroism by championing a cause that transcends entertainment, contributing to the preservation of a vital piece of cultural heritage.

Misaja Subasinghe

Enthusiastic writer who crafts captivating, instructive, and humorous storytelling. Take a trip with me through words and ideas. Together, let's explore!