WhaleStats NFT Floor Price Tracker — Discord

Aug 29, 2022


💡 This document will guide you through creating a Discord channel for WhaleStats NFT floor price alerts and obtaining the Discord Channels’ Webhook URL.

Before you start:

Download and install Discord Desktop if you haven’t done it yet https://discord.com/download.

You must be an administrator of a Discord Server. If you don’t have one create a new server by following the instructions here.

How to set up a Discord Webhook integration

  1. Right click on the server on the left panel, select Server Settings > Integrations:

2. View Webhooks:

3. Add a webhook Name, select to which Channel the alerts should be sent, Save the webhook and click the Copy Webhook URL button

4. Paste copied URL it in the Discord Webhook URL field in the NFT Floor Price Tracker form

