Mega project

Namrah Malik
3 min readAug 15, 2017


Show Respect…

Welfare??? By welfare we mean anything that has a positive impact on individuals and on a society as a whole. We as individuals think of 100 things that we wanna do for the country but dont implement that and within that time frame the odea fades away amd we move on with our lives… Finally we’ve been given a chance to lay out our ideas into implementing mode. For this welfare project we chose the idea of showing respect in our daily lives we do take out time to donate 10–50 rupees to poor people who ate begging on roads but the thing that we lack the most is we are reluctant to show respect. We with the help of this project want to shed light on this important topics. The categories in which wanna show awareness are

  • Police Officers and Traffic Wardens
  • Transgenders
  • Gardeners

Police Officers and Traffic Wardens:

Our first and foremost important category is of police Officers those people who stand on roads despite of all the seasons but we dont even take time from our routines just to stop and say thanks. Our Amal circle will deliver thank you cards along with some refreshments just in order to praise what they are doing for us.


Transgenders are also humans but we have forgotten that to some extent we just rank ourselves capable enough to give them 50 or 100 rupees and consider the job done that we have done enough but i belive showing respect to them is also our responsibility. So our Amal circle has planned to spend a day with them inorder to show that we do share same grounds.


Old people working in hot sunny days facing the sun doing theor jons but never got the appreciation they truly deserved. So our Amal circles has planned a tea time with them inorder to learn about their lives. We will be providing them with refreshments as well.

The Extra mile

Apart from all this we’ll be donating clothes to the poor children also just in order to go an extra mile.


We’ll be going to malls to collect funds. We then will be utilising those funds in order to purchase refreshments, thank you cards and some gifts for all those people whom we have mentioned above.

We all hope we achieve what we thought of and hope this will leave a long lasting impact.

