Nana noel
4 min readNov 11, 2023

If someone consciously or unconsciously slaps you in the face, you may choose to react or decide to let it go. Similarly, if your boyfriend is ignoring you then it may mean that you slap him not physically but rather the feelings he has for you go down at that moment.

You are not alone! Human character is not static as a result, ignoring is one of the factors that pops up. And your first step to deal with it is to ask, what is/are the cause(s) of these things.

Now, pay very close attention to this, if you are the one assuming things without any physical evidence then I strongly recommend that you should have this template by clicking here.

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Another major reason why your boyfriend is ignoring you is that it may not even be about.

While there has been significant advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, it's currently not possible for a machine to fully predict or comprehend the intricacies of human character.

Human character and behavior are determined by numerous factors such as genetics, upbringing, social influences, personal experiences, free will, and so on. They're not solely based on fixed patterns, which makes it hard to accurately predict.

Some machines and algorithms are used for predictive modeling or personality tests, like trying to anticipate a person's future actions based on their previous behavior. But even those can't account for the whole complexity of human character, personal growth or sudden changes.

Another significant challenge is that machines cannot experience emotions or empathize with human experiences in the way humans can. This lack of emotional intelligence makes it harder for them to fully understand or predict human behavior and character.

Additionally, ethical and privacy concerns also arise with any attempt to predict human character. As such, while AI continues to progress, it is not expected to fully predict or understand human character anytime in the foreseeable future.

He may be having personal problems outside the relationship so try to much as possible to confront him, if it doesn’t work, give him space. For example, it could be financial issues, external family problems, or payment of bills among others.

In addition, if you think you are the cause, there is nothing to complicate here, “apologies”. If it does not work, find a third party to interfere (which is not advisable) or you may check out our “7 Steps To Women Are Using To Solve Their Relationship Issues With Men” by clicking here now.

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The final but not the least reason why your boyfriend is ignoring you is to check your hygiene. As a lady, you must almost be on top, the smell, your clothes, and not to say expensive products, just be you!

Some people may find this hard to believe, but personal hygiene plays a big role in relationships. Good hygiene reflects a lot about a person's self-esteem and consideration for others.

A clean, well-groomed appearance can attract and maintain the interest of your partner, but poor hygiene can be a real turn off. Body odor, bad breath, unclean hair, and poor grooming habits are common causes of romantic relationship problems.

Perhaps your boyfriend has noticed a change in your hygiene practices. Maybe you are not brushing your teeth regularly or you are not bathing frequently, causing you to develop a body odor. If this is the case, your boyfriend may find it difficult to be physically close to you.

Communication is key in any relationship. If he is noticing something off with your hygiene, he should ideally bring it up in a kind, respectful manner, so that it can be addressed and not lead to further distance in your relationship.

However, it's also worth mentioning that if your boyfriend is ignoring you over such issues without communication, it may indicate other problems in your relationship as well. Healthy relationships thrive on communication and mutual respect, regardless of the issues involved.

Please do not let this lower your self-esteem or cause you to feel unworthy. Speak openly with your boyfriend about your concerns.



Nana noel

Health & Fitness, Entrepreneur and researcher In Science.