Between Jupiter And Mars

Saying goodbye to a friend who was more than a friend.

Nanci Arvizu
Write Speak Play


Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

I didn’t say goodbye.

How could I?

I was sad. Beyond sad.

I was cold. Shivering cold.

Her best friend from childhood had just broken down while trying to speak, shaking so bad her husband came up to stand beside her and hold her in his arms.

We all watched them both cry.

When the officiate asked if anyone else wanted to speak, I did not raise my hand.

I did not raise my hand after the next four times he asked.

I could hardly breathe.

She’d been gone for 9 days.

Which meant her loss was still fresh. The shock.

I’d known I would speak at her service about a day after she passed. During our friendship we’d actually discussed this, speaking at a funeral. But, because I’m 10 years older, it was supposed to be her speaking at mine and happen a long time from now.

So I’d had 7 days preparing for this moment. I’d written exactly what I needed to say. And, I had practiced, a lot. I’d gotten myself to the place where I could say the words, even if it was only to my reflection, without completely breaking…

