4 Tips To Help You Pass An Aptitude Test

Nancy Ahuja
3 min readJul 24, 2018

Jobs are not so easy to come by in Nigeria. A variety of graduates are churned out every year from the various universities. Companies use aptitude tests to analyze your skill at performing tasks and role in a particular domain. Aptitude tests are used to evaluate intelligence, perception power, analysis, comprehension, and decision-making ability. To increase your chances of landing your dream job, here are 4 tips to help you pass an aptitude test.

Image credit: testsregard.com

It is a smart idea to understand the format of aptitude tests. These tests have sections and a number of questions in various domains that you have to answer. Therefore, it pays to be familiar with how the tests are set. This knowledge will help you be prepared for the test and will increase your chances of passing. The most common test sections include:

· Numerical reasoning

· Cognitive ability

· Situational reasoning

· Verbal reasoning

· Diagrammatic test

Have a strategy

Preparing how you are to answer the test question can improve your performance in an aptitude test. You will be able to realize the areas where you have the strength and those where you need assistance. It is important to recognize sections in the test where you can perform better and handle that last. Capitalizing on areas where you have strength will give you more time to put more focus on areas that need more work. Handle sections that require more time last since going for the easier ones take less time.

Regular practice

This is a principal factor if you are to pass a recruitment aptitude test. Ensure to find a reputable site with job aptitude test questions that you can practice and revise. This will make you get used to handling the test process and possible type of questions. It will also help you determine the time required for each section to ensure you use your time during the actual test accordingly. Daily practice of aptitude tests will help you analyze your ability to answer the questions and to realize strengths and weaknesses. You will be in a better position to work on your weaknesses.

Understand the testing means

Aptitude tests can be conducted in a variety of ways including online or offline depending to the preferences of the recruitment agency. Therefore, ensure to be aware of how you are to do the test. Afterward, ensure to get familiar with the process. You have to understand that these tests are to be answered in a specific time frame. Therefore, understanding the means of handling the tests will make you well prepared. Good knowledge and understanding of how the aptitude test is conducted will ensure that nothing will hold you back when faced with the test.

Bottom line

With the unemployment rate in Nigeria at 18.8 percent according to Spectator Index, any chance to attend a job interview should not be taken lightly. Use the tips above to ensure you increase your chances of passing the recruitment aptitude test to your dream job.

