5 Tips You Would Have To Master When Seeking Life Science Laboratory Efficiency

Nancy Ahuja
3 min readJul 31, 2018


There are three main variables that anyone would have to worry about on this topic. This would be the lab workers, the lab equipment like sterile syringe filters and how they are being utilized and ultimately the processes that are being followed in the lab. Working in the lab requires for special and undivided attention and keenness considering any simple mistake will totally alter the test results which may lead to diverse mistakes being made like misdiagnosis among others. Slight temperature changes in the incubator may alter the proteins formation or worse still initiate alterations in the culture growth of your agar plates specimen. This is why we need our labs to be perfect and be associated with a world-class efficiency whose results can be trusted. Well, if you are in line with this below are a few tips that will point you in the right direction.

Get the Right Team to Work in the Lab

This is the most important fact of all the five points. A team can either build you or break you. Since it is your lab you get to choose the kind of people that you want to work with. They need to be professional for starters to mention that great caution need to be exercised whenever one is in the lab. You need to do more than just training them, motivate them and set objectives for every one of your team members if you need efficiency from all your team players.

Improve On Your Inventory

Invest in how you are going to store things in the lab. The order makes specimens or test results easy to be found. Avoid carelessly placing of lab items in any free space that you see. You can instead purchase storage boxes and small racks where you can store your projects among other lab chemicals.

Proper Care If Equipment Should Be Observed

We should not be saying this but the emphasis needs to be placed here. Lab equipment do not come as cheap as most people may think; their price could be so high that you would not want to be careless with the instruments during your experiments. This does not only refer to the expensive machines but to the small lab equipment too like a spatula and test tubes. Proper maintenance would improve their lifespan and make it easy in case you need to dispose them by selling.

Delegate Responsibilities

Yes, you are the owner and all that but no one does it all alone. Be gracious you have a team and let them help you with most of the responsibilities. Choose people to stand for different sections and equipment in the lab just to make things easy for everyone. Attesting to do it all by yourself can lead to major mistakes like forgetting to clean and store the equipment properly because you were labeling the specimen’s test tubes.

Be On the Lookout for New and Improved Lab Products

Technology and innovation have motivated growth and development of new and improved products in each sector in the world. Thanks to this you can now regularly check the market for new lab products and machinery. In your search for efficiency, new and updated products can come in handy. Equip your lab with the latest gadgets for instance sterile syringe filters and see the whole lab play change to perfection with time.

