7 Bad mistakes for Product Photography To Avoid

Nancy Diese
3 min readJun 20, 2019


Demand of product photography has reach to the high. People are shifting to online businesses rapidly. The main element of E-commerce business is photo. Two people are running similar kinds of product business in online. They provide similar kinds of service quality but there is a massive difference between their sales.

Do you know why? Picture is making the difference here. Photos of your products are such a medium that can ruin your business and build your business. Today we are going to discuss about 7 such mistakes about product photography that many people do and they regret later.

By reading this article, you can know these 7 facts and you can keep yourself in the safe site. Skip this article at your own risk.

Let’s get started.

Mistake Number 1: Using Attractive Background

When you are dealing with product photography, you cannot use attractive background. Your main motive is to make pleasant your customer with the quality of your product not with the background. You are damaging yourself by doing this.

An attractive background can perform damage in many ways. When viewers show photo, their attention may divert from the product. Try to avoid this mistake.

Mistake Number 2: Using Auto Mode

This is another mistake lots of photographer do. Using Auto mode, when capturing a photo is not a smart choice at all. Picture taken in auto mode cannot provide you accurate result.

There are lots of settings is your camera. Learn to use them proper. Use ISO, White Balance, Shutter Speed, FV, Exposure compensation properly. Don’t trust on Auto mode, otherwise your viewers will lose trust from you.

Mistake Number 3: Taking photo in Low Light and High light

It is one of the worst mistakes that you want to avoid. Light is a key factor for perfect photography. One should be very careful about this. Never take photos in low light.

At the same time, don’t be flexible use high light. That can provide a burn look in your photo. Always keep this in your mind.

Mistake Number 4: Distance between camera and object

There should be a decent distance between camera and object. Don’t capture the shot from too far neither take from too close.

Try to capture the full frame from a standard distance. So that, at the time viewers see it for the first time they get a clear idea about it.

Mistake Number 5: Editing Too Much

Editing is a mandatory thing for product photography. One must do some post processing work after taking photos. But you cannot edit your photo too much that it loses its original look.

If you show a picture of something but provide something different that is not matching with the picture, you are going to lose your customers day by day.

If you don’t have enough knowledge on editing, hire someone professional who can do it for you. If you don’t know anyone, you can take online image editing service from ClippingUSA.

Mistake Number 6: Focus

Clearness is always attractive to human brain. So, don’t use blurry focus in your photo. Try to make your photo as sharp as possible. You can set a high aperture at that point.

Normally, the higher the aperture make the high sharpness. Set a high aperture number and show your client a sharp picture.

Mistake Number 7: Same Angle

Sometimes, people provide same photo from the same angle from different distances. This is a silly mistake. Try to provide as much description as you can.

More description means more views and more views always create a chance to generate sales. So, capture photos from different angle. Moreover, photo with same angle looks boring. Make your customer satisfied with photos from different sides.

By avoiding these mistakes one can make successful product photography career. E-commerce business owner can also earn benefit from this. They can shine in their business by avoiding these mistakes. Thanks me later.

