Bad Day at Book Group

Nancy Snyder
6 min readNov 20, 2017
photo by Nancy Snyder

I did not intend for this bad book group incident to happen but it did. Book group discussions center around that month’s chosen book and its impact on ourselves and perhaps the culture and the community. Last August, 2017, the book group I facilitated met the week after the Charlottesville riots: that day in Charlottesville, Virginia when three people were killed and many more seriously injured.

It was the day the elated White Supremacist movement, exuberated at having their first White president, Mr. Trump, a man who would never condemn them nor comment on any of their atrocities, were congregating in Charlottesville to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue.

The adoration of all things Confederacy remain sanctified within the white supremacist movement. They had come prepared to defend this statue of all things glorious when General Lee fought valiantly to keep slavery the norm within those proud Confederate states.

And, on the other side of Charlottesville, there was a large gathering of those marching for peace and diversity — that day did not bode well for them. One of the marchers, a young woman named Heather Heyer would be run down by a car and killed. The young white supermacist at the wheel had aimed for more kills since he had driven directly into the crowd of peace marchers. Still, the one murder of Heather Heyer was applauded by his…



Nancy Snyder

I write in the tradition of all writers: to understand the world.