Nancy Pelosi, Love You, Mama! R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

Dianne Nancy Taylor
7 min readNov 26, 2022

Nancy Pelosi is one of our best.

Brilliant, effective, and tough.

I secretly count on her Big Comeback when Democrats, finally, take the House again. Those tough boomer women never stop. Remember all the final, very last tours Cher and Tina Turner had? Then they had just one more comeback. Then one more. All of the comebacks were smash hits with audiences. Teens traveled 300 miles to see a 60+ Tina, and afterward, they said with bright eyes that she made the concert hall explode with all her energy.

Nobody can be as great as Nancy as Speaker of the House. She is a talented and very loyal party builder. She is a visionary, and she knows what is in her party’s best interest. Throughout her career, she built support for fellow Democrats. Those supported by Nancy got elected.

When she started her career as a Congresswoman, there were not enough women to elect her. There were only a handful of women in the House. She needed the male vote. She had to prove to white, older male politicians that she could get things done — which she obviously could. She never let emotions get in the way. She never stated openly that Republicans treated her badly because she was a woman (which they did).

Nancy can silence her caucus with a wave of her hand. She has an uncanny ability to negotiate, plus, to realize goals that seem out of reach for anyone else. She is known for her tenacity, her endless amount of energy, working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When her friends ask where she gets all the energy, she is surprised that they are surprised. I’m Italian, that is what she says.

There must be probably something in it. She comes from an Italian family, her parents were passionate Democrats, actively involved in politics. Her mom, Big Nancy, once slapped a Republican who showed disrespect to her.

Nancy is respected and probably feared, both on the left and the right. Nobody is willing to cross her. Don’t Mess With Nancy is one of her most memorable hashtags.

Her experience, tenacity, and charisma are priceless, they make her irreplaceable. There are many talented, smart, decent politicians among Democrats, but nobody has the potential to be a force like Nancy Pelosi. There are once-in-a-lifetime politicians like Obama, Hillary, and Angela Merkel. Nancy is like that.

Best Pelosi Moments

Nancy’s best moments are unforgettable!

She is the cool grandma everyone needs.

Nobody could give Trump the silent treatment like her.

She was joking about his petulant rambling to build the wall. She said it must be a manhood thing for him, as though he had anything to do with manhood.

Everybody remembers her shredding up Trump’s divisive State of the Union speech.

And remember the Pelosi Clap?

Then there is Nancy, walking out of the White House after negotiating the government shutdown, wearing an elegant coral red coat and sunglasses, smiling a tiny smile with all the confidence in the world. Americans could recognize a leader when they saw one.

And she put Trump in his place. He mocked her about the divide within her party. Nancy interrupted him, she leaned forward and said, please don’t underestimate the power I have as the leader of Democrats who just won the midterms.

Remember the fun cartoon picture, a five-year-old Trump sulking in his messy room, and a strict, ramrod-straight Nancy is scolding him. This is my House, Donald, and you will follow my rules!

Trump could never handle her. Nancy is a powerful, smart woman, older than him, a strict mother figure. He had never seen something like that.

Why Nancy Pelosi as a Speaker and Leader is Irreplaceable

· She stood her ground when Republicans went after Social Security and health care. She successfully defended Social Security during the Bush years. She forcefully supported President Obama to make Affordable Care Act possible. Thanks to Nancy, millions of Americans got access to health care, and they still have access to it, to this very day. She helped ACA survive the Trump years when Republicans took both the House and the Senate.

· She helped Biden with the infrastructure law, student debt relief, environmental laws — she was part of all the progress.

· She engineered Trump’s impeachment. Her party’s progressive wing urged her, but she could wait until the right moment. She sent a clear message to the world: Trump might be crazy, but the majority of Americans are not.

· She has been a friend of the LGBTQ community well before it was cool.

· Without Nancy, Trump would have built a very expensive and 100% useless wall on the Mexican border. All the while, drug dealers and human traffickers would have happily bribed their way into the U.S., plus, thanks to Trump’s ineffectiveness, crime rates would be still soaring. In 2020, there was a whopping 30% rise in murders. It was an all-time high. Thanks to Nancy, the useless wall was never built.

· She fights for women’s rights and reproductive rights.

· She kept the Democratic caucus united during difficult times. She was not everybody’s favorite person. But she got things done.

· Plus, she is our inspiration. In America, against all odds, you can design your own future, you can be anything you want, even a high-ranking politician, even if you are a woman. You only need to be relentless and work hard, and you can reach the impossible. Often Nancy was the most powerful woman in the room. A woman, someone who looks like me!

Christian Science Monitor called Nancy the most influential Speaker of the last 50 years.

Nancy herself is a devout Catholic. But she does not try to force me to become one. She has five kids (her four daughters are her beautiful, classy clones), but she does not want to force me to have five kids. She lets me live and thrive the way I am. One more thing that makes her priceless!

I especially love her for being friends with my favorite persons, Hillary and Auntie Maxine. With these mamas, America could be the safest, happiest, most satisfied, and greenest country. Like other countries led by women, see Germany, Switzerland, Iceland, and Denmark.

Beautiful Mamas hugging each other

At the same time, I have an unpleasant feeling of guilt, for not doing enough to keep up Nancy’s good work. We, the younger generations, leave too much to the amazing mamas. However tough they are, they should not be the only ones to care about Americans’ health care, cost of living, green energy, energy independence, and women’s rights!

Their generation of women, politicians and ordinary citizens, were interested in politics, they actively fought for civil rights and women’s rights. Those who went into politics showed respect to older, higher-ranking Democrats, they could work with them, and built their goals with tenacity. Can today’s Democrats do the same?

They should! Today’s Democrats can only reach lasting goals using the basics our boomer Democrats had already built.

Fun Facts about Nancy:

· She grew up with five older brothers. It explains her sharp negotiating skills!

· From the age 11, her parents trusted her with taking voters’ phone calls at home, she was talking to voters who were looking for her politician father, and she explained to them where they could find help with housing or going to the hospital.

· In her teens, she wanted to be a nun.

· She wanted to go to law school. Instead, after graduating from college, she married Paul Pelosi. When she announced that she would marry him, her mom was crying. She was afraid that her brilliant, promising Nancy lost her chance for building a career. Big Nancy herself had wanted to start her own business, but she had needed her husband’s written permission, and he had not granted it to her.

· Nancy, the daughter, however, never really gave up her career dreams. After all her kids went to high school, she went into politics. The rest is history. After Vice President Kamala, she is the most powerful woman in American politics, second in line for the presidency, and the first woman Speaker ever. She was the 3rd most influential woman in the world in 2019.

· Trump voters call her liberal elite. As though there was something wrong with having money or being successful.

· She is extremely organized and disciplined. That is how she gets things done.

· She raised her kids to do their own chores and be independent. (I hate chores as much as anybody, but if Nancy tells me to do chores, I will. THAT is what I call motivation.)

· Her nickname is Petunia.

· She loves dark chocolate. Especially Ghirardelli chocolate.

· She loves to dance and sing.

Nancy Pelosi Inspirational Quotes

“Don’t agonize, organize. You can’t just moan and groan. That’s just a victory for the other side.”

“America needs you. Women, know your power, go for it, be yourself, don’t be afraid, be confident, and be ready. The world is waiting for you.”

“Women just have to have the confidence, taking inventory of what they have accomplished, whether it’s being a mom, being a teacher, being a small business woman, being in the military, whatever it happens to be, whatever combination of experiences, place a gold star on all of it. Be proud of it and be your authentic self. The best advice I ever got running for office was ‘Be yourself.’ Authenticity is everything. Think of what you have to offer and how unique that is.”

Tags: Nancy Pelosi young, Nancy Pelosi as Effective Leader, Nancy Pelosi Inspiration, Nancy Pelosi Democratic Party



Dianne Nancy Taylor

Mystery & crime fiction author, cat lover. Hillary is my Mama. New York City girl. I am a big fan of animals and the environment.