a bit about my routine, watercolor, poems — and my experience with writing

9 min readJul 29, 2021


Leaving twitter… to… my god, I need a coffee to write.

Okay, the coffee is hot, Sarah — my shih tzu dog — is lying on my foot, my circular crocheted pink rug that my aunt gave me. I like to prop my foot up on a child’s stool, which was exactly one of my father’s stools.

Well, I feel like talking about the laundry room. A fake news that the coming rain was going to be very heavy, my father brought all the clothes into my ‘’office’’. I don’t like to mix the themes. That’s what I learned in Feng Shui. But after I’m done with that, I’ll take those things away from here lol.

Currently living with my parents, it’s not quite what I thought for my current age. But I will say, I’m doing pretty well, even though I’m not living the situation I want. I would never be dedicating myself so much to the arts if it weren’t for these current conditions. My desire has always been to be independent and still is.

I am dedicating myself every day, a little bit, to watercolor. I will show you what I did yesterday.

photo I took with my cell phone

My routine

A little bit of my routine is, in the morning twitter, in the afternoon watercolor, I take a break for a workout at home — I am already at home right? — sometimes I do a yoga class afterwards, go back to twitter and in the evening I play fortnite with my boyfriend or watch some sitcom while I twitter some more.

It has been more or less like this for the last few weeks, of course, in between I include other necessary activities. I won’t lie, even though financially I am not as well off as I would like to be, I am doing very well.

That is why I don’t want to just create my art — NFT — for the money, because if that is my only goal, I will lose my mental sanity. Of course I need the money, but I want to express myself, and I am sure that for every person, there are other people who will identify with that.

Poems in OpenSea and Hic et nunc

Well well well…

I recently posted two poems on OpenSea and two more on Hicetnunc. I want to tell you a little bit about how this started, because it may seem strange to some people, I’m making flowers and suddenly poems pop up.

Okay, maybe it is (?) I won’t lie, I am a person with a metamorphing personality. I need new things.


Let’s go back to Fernanda, who must have been around 8 or 10 at the most — I don’t know exactly how old she was. I lived with my parents in my grandfather’s house — who by then had passed away. It was a farmhouse, and I loved this place. Sometimes I still dream that I am living there. Anyway… I remember writing a story on a sheet of paper, it must have been something about a bear, I remember going to them, and they were sitting in the laundry room — a place they used to hang out while my father drank beer — and I showed them my story.

Of course, it must have been something silly. I remember them making that face that parents make when they see it but don’t pay much attention. All right, nothing personal.

At school, I always enjoyed the activities of writing some text. During my adolescence, something between the ages of 13 and 14, sometimes I wrote a few stories, but I would take the sheets I had written, scrape them out of the notebook and throw them away. Why? Sometimes I would write poems when I liked a boy. Oh man, I would love to read that now and know how silly it must have been lol.

Between the ages of 15 and 17, in high school, I created a facebook account with a page for my poems. At that time, there were many pages for motivational phrases and texts. After some time thinking about it, I bravely did it. I started putting my poems on there, and I wrote them sometimes while I was at school.

I remember reaching 1000 followers and for some reason, I woke up one day and thought that this was nonsense, I didn’t want to keep doing it. Reason? I don’t know, maybe being a silly teenager with no vision for the future? One possibility.


When I went to university and worked in a call center, I walked away from it. No time. All I could think about was grad school and all the things I had to do, good and painful times. I worked for a little over 2 years on this, in a very well known company in the region — this company generates many, many jobs around here and I liked it because it was part time. But the stress of university with the work environment… I started to feel anxious, I wanted to leave, my arm started to hurt with tendinitis… maybe just emotional pain.

Me with my clipboard in the first year of my course, which I sold years later and bought many paints lol

I quit my job and continued only with college. During this period that I was working and studying, I remember some days sitting with my back against the brick wall, with my notebook on my lap and preparing myself to write a story. Yes, they were all deleted or left half done.

I didn’t take it seriously. I was in grad school — I haven’t gotten my degree yet, by the way I need to go and I still need to pay the bank for the 5-year tuition loan.

But when I stopped working, I pursued some sources of income on a freelance basis. I made kokedamas, I made some clay sculptures — I would love to burn them, and by the way, I have some clay in my room waiting for the heat to come up so I can stir it with water. I will look for some pictures to post about it.

some of my remaining clay… stored and dusty

When I finished college, I was 6 months late to graduate, because I had not done my internship hours. I chose to do an undergraduate work in a park, in a huge area. I received a 9.8 — almost a 10, top grade — for my writing work and the development of my project — proud of me — I will look for the pictures of my urban park for you to see.

the first A1 sheet of my urban park. You can tell I chose a very large area for someone so small…
the colors seem much more saturated around here, huh
I won’t tell you about my project or you will get bored. But this is my favorite sheet, a “quick” project for the restoration of the first railroad station of the city, built in 1910
Today I realized, that I saved all my files in a google drive email that I don’t remember — it was desperation at the time. There are still some more sheets of this and a single sheet that specifies each plant in the park

I discovered in college something that I think is very valuable. Whenever I dedicate myself entirely, have a goal, pay the price for it and am willing, I achieve the result. This will cost me about r$100.000, but it was a good learning experience.

In this time that I was late, I did the internship, I started to work on my instagram to do distance projects. After these 6 months, I was technically graduated. But something happened. I didn’t see things as I used to, the excitement was gone or whatever.

I didn’t want to work in an office, I had a dubious experience before. I wanted to have my freedom, but it’s complicated when you’re a new graduate. The market didn’t appeal to me, it felt like I was about to be eaten by a shark. Your colleagues are your competitors, how about doing a post-graduation course? You have to keep studying, college is not enough anymore.

You don’t have time for yourself. Working more than 8 hours a day, because a project always has a deadline and you are not the boss, you have to stay late to deliver it while he is the superstar of architecture. All day long in front of the computer on expensive software, which would cost the value of a post-graduation course.

Well, I kept working on my social networks. But by the end of the year, I was already thinking about other possibilities. I’ll leave out some of the things I did, but that includes social networking, making money through it.


In that time I did some drawings, started writing again, something started pulling me to that side again… that’s when I learned about the existence of NFT.

Well, that’s why I write. That’s why I have the poems in OpenSea. That has always been with me, when I saw the art in NFT I figured that was all that sold, I didn’t think about music and videos and everything else that exists.

Apparently I only saw memes and some good artists too, and memes.

After some time thinking, I saw that I didn’t need to limit myself. And that since it had always been my dream — to write a book or something important like that — I could do it in this space and show myself.

laranja, Portuguese-BR

orange orange fruit or orange color? the fruit received its name because of color? who was born first the fruit or the heart?

A brief explanation: at the end I say heart, because in Portuguese heart starts with COR (color) and I use this as a reference to the color — of orange.

I am the person who loves flowers, I am the one who loves design and architecture, and I am also the one who loves to write.

This blog is for that, a way to talk about myself — so that whoever is interested knows, beyond the 240 characters of twitter, that it is hard to know a person — and to manifest this desire I have, to talk.

On OpenSea is my virtualwords collection, for my poems. I will be updating it, perhaps with short stories and more poems. My floral collection, floralworld is still there too, maybe soon with my watercolors — but that is a secret.

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My hic et nunc, the platform I love so much to experience who I can be, is with two poems and also, I want to keep putting some phrases there. Adding more florals.

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There are always so many more things that could be said, but for a blog, this is enough. In the next one, I want to talk more about the florals. If you have read my personal drama up to this point, thank you very much. After a good quiet time to write, while the birds sing, I can put on some good music for this morning.


*If there is any error in my writing or in my concordance, please forgive me. I am not fluent in the language but I still want to write to communicate about my art.




I’m Nanda, a Brazilian independent artist. I’m passionate about arts & love to write