Shani: God of Karma


A deep understanding of Hindu mythology proves that every planet was worshiped by our forefathers as they believed that these celestial bodies play a very important role in our daily lives. Similarly, Shani is also such a planet that has been given the form of a deity in our Puranas.


Shani or also known as Shani Graha in astrology exhibits a very interesting phenomenon. Physically, Shani represents Shani Dev. He is also considered the brother of Yama and is considered the god of justice and action.

Birth of Shani Dev

Shani Dev was born from the shadow without the knowledge of Surya Dev. She gave birth to three children named Manu, Shani, and Tapti. When he resided in her womb, she was completely absorbed in the service of her husband, and the child in her womb was dark in color due to the heat of the Sun God.

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That’s why Shani had become completely black at the time of birth. At the time of his birth, Surya Dev looked at him curiously, much to his dismay regarding the charcoal complexion of Shani. He was also suspected of infidelity whether Shani gave birth to him.

Shani’s first sight of his father pushed Surya Dev towards the eclipse and he considered it a bad omen. In fact, enraged by his father’s decision, he cursed his father that he would turn black which turned out to be true.

Shani: God of Karma

Shani is the planet of Karma as it presides over the actions of every individual. Accordingly, it is believed that in the lifetime of a human being one gets the result of bad deeds and good deeds get the result.

Effect of Shani in Kundli and Astrology.

Shani is considered to be a planet that will rule Karma and Dharma in any daily horoscope. It is believed that he enters one’s horoscope as Karma Guru and will ensure that the person learns life’s lessons perfectly and passes the test of destiny.

Shani signifies struggle and adjustment and under its influence one faces the toughest challenges and difficulties in life. It has a negative effect on a person if he occupies the following positions in the horoscope.

How the situation decides fate.

Transit of Saturn in the 12th, 1st, and 2nd house from Moon is called Sade Sati.

When Saturn is in the eighth house from the Moon, it is called Ashtanga Shani.

Shani placed in the fourth house is called Ardha Ashtam Shani.

Worship Gods and Goddesses to please Shani.

Worshiping Hanuman especially, the south facing Hanuman is the best way to attract the blessings of Shani. Kalabhairava, an incarnation of Lord Shiva, can be worshiped to seek protection from the evil effects of Shani when it transits the ascendant as it causes financial insecurity and health problems.

Remedies for negative Saturn.

According to daily astrology, to avoid the negative effects of Shani or Shani caused by Saturn’s cycles, one should please them in many ways. His problems and struggles can only be overcome by true prayer and worship.

1. Offer mustard oil and sesame seeds to them and chant the mantra

This is the most popular way to please Shani Dev. For this method, take a copper utensil and put mustard oil and sesame seeds in it, and offer it to Shani Dev while chanting Shani’s tantric mantra- Om Pram Prim Praum Sah Shanaishcharaya Namah.

2. Worship Lord Hanuman

Lord Hanuman comes to the rescue as always! It is believed that those who worship Lord Hanuman with full dedication, get the blessings of Lord Shani. As per Hindu mythology, it is believed that Lord Hanuman saved Lord Shani from the evil of Ravana. Since then it is believed that if you want to please Shani Dev then you should dedicate yourself to Hanuman ji.

3. Donate

One of the best ways to praise Lord Shani is by giving food to the needy and downtrodden. Donating to the poor is one way in which you can rectify your karma. Lord Shani blesses those who freely and willingly donate to the needy without asking for anything in return.

4. Clear Your Unwanted Clutter

Shani Dev is believed to take away all the things needed for your progress. Thus, you make it a point to clear your clutter before deciding what needs to be removed from your life. Clean your house and get rid of all the material waste that has been lying around for a long time but has never been used by you. Also, free yourself from all material thoughts and negative influences by keeping your mind calm.

5. Worship Peepal tree and crow

To praise Lord Shani, one should worship the Peepal tree, the king of trees. Worship him every Saturday by pouring a little mustard oil on the branch of the Peepal tree or by worshiping him before sunrise.

Crows should also be fed on Saturday because it is believed that Shani Dev was riding on a crow.


Lord Shani is the son of Surya (the Sun) and an incarnation of the planet Saturn. According to daily astrology, he is one of the most dangerous ‘grahas’. It is believed that if a person’s Shani creates a hindrance, then no other planet can give any positive result in that situation — such is the power of Shani Dev.

Frequently asked questions:

Why is Shani so powerful?

Lord Shani is the son of Surya (the Sun) and an incarnation of the planet Saturn. According to astrology, he is one of the most dangerous ‘grahas’. It is believed that if a person’s Shani creates a hindrance, then no other planet can give any positive result in that situation — such is the power of Shani Dev.

Is Shani Mantra powerful?

Chanting Shani Beej Mantra daily can help in removing medical and money-related problems. Chanting Shani Beej Mantra brings a sense of security to a person’s life. Chanting this mantra will help in reducing the effect of the negative karma of your previous birth.







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