Application for courier delivery

Nanditha Narayanan
4 min readOct 20, 2021


Why this app?

Courier delivery services are very easy to use. With this service, there is no need to visit the postal service to send and receive mail and packages. You can simply have a courier deliver or pick up the parcels for you. This will free up employees to focus on their job duties and get more work done for your business.

What is senditup?

Our Company is one of the smaller logistics company that delivers packages and couriers across India. In this application users pick a size of a package, select a pick and drop spot anywhere in India. An Agent comes to your door and packs it in front of you and it is delivered

1 Research Plan

I start research for this application by researching from people's opinions, comments, and by interviewing, etc. Research goal We want to (what) makes customers expect from a courier delivery application (whom) for people all over India (How) by a single click (why) for parceling their package to anyone.

Research Questions

  • Why do people send their packages?
  • What do they expect from delivery services?
  • How are they sending their parcel?
  • Who can a delivery service do better?
  • Do they prefer courier or any other way?

Interview notes

Focus point

Paper sketches

Effective wireframes are about content placement and user flows, not visual design. Resist the urge to make them look beautiful this will slow down future iterations and introduce more confusion during testing.

Low fidelity wireframes

After all, I began to translate my paper wireframes into low-fidelity wireframes. Low-fidelity (lo-fi) prototyping is a quick and easy way to translate high-level design concepts into tangible and testable artifacts. The first and most important role of lo-fi prototypes is to check and test functionality rather than the visual appearance of the product.

Flow chart

Flowcharts are diagrams of user flows and tasks in processes. Designers use these versatile tools to visualize the interactions in designs and present easy-to-understand maps of designs to stakeholders. They connect labeled, standardized symbols with lines to show everything users might do in interactive contexts.

2 design

User interface (UI) design is the process designers use to build interfaces in software or computerized devices, focusing on looks or style. Designers aim to create interfaces which users find easy to use and pleasurable. UI design refers to graphical user interfaces and other forms — e.g., voice-controlled interfaces.

High fidelity wireframe

After the low fidelity wireframes, I designed high fidelity wireframes by selecting exact color combinations typography icons, etc.


Prototyping is a key part of the UI and UX design process. Designers can create either a high or low fidelity prototype depending on their purpose, allowing them to test a feature, application, or website. The goal of prototyping is to test ideas before they are fully developed and to develop a better user experience. After creating all high fidelity wireframes I just test that all icons, images, and typography aligned are incorrect position. then is started prototyping.

I used photoshop, illustrator, and Figma to create this application.

