How the Integration of Nanotechnology in Satellites Can Improve the Accuracy of Earth’s Climate and Atmospheric Models

Nickolous Angeles
4 min readDec 3, 2020


A set of NanoRacks CubeSats; a set of nanosatellites (

The year 1958 marked an absolutely critical point in the history of climate and atmospheric science; a satellite that intended to be utilized for the observation, analysis, and modeling of Earth’s weather and the climate was launched into low earth orbit ( The satellite was immensely important and ultimately contributed to the Space Race between the United States and Russia contained within the Cold War that lasted from 1947 to 1991. Satellites are complex systems of technology that have a myriad of applications in various scientific and non-scientific fields. For example, satellites are used in uncovering one’s location on Earth’s surface by using GPS (Global Positioning Systems). Satellites can also model the Earth’s climate and atmosphere by measuring particular gases, such a carbon dioxide, and observing natural oddities.

Methods of Scanning and Modelling the Climate and Atmosphere

There are two primary methodologies utilized by climate and atmospheric scientists to model the climate and atmosphere: thermometers and satellites. Thermometers are more surface-based and take a contact approach to calculate the Earth’s temperature and the temperature of its oceans and climate. Whereas satellites are sent into low-earth orbit to monitor gases in the atmosphere, ocean temperatures, and sites such as volcanoes that could be contributing to the alteration and warming of the planet. Despite having a myriad of approaches to scan and observe the Earth’s climate and atmosphere, there is an immense amount of controversy regarding which of the two is the best way to present the most accurate results.

Both methodologies have the opportunity to be connected to stations that determine the validity of the emissivity, a measure of an object’s ability to emit infrared energy. Considering that satellites are directly examining the surface of the Earth, there could be a bias that arises when satellites perform atmospherically and climate observations. You can learn more about validation stations and this potential bias here.

How Can Nanotechnology Improve the Accuracy of Climate and Atmospheric Models?

The interdisciplinary field of nanoscience and nanotechnology utilizes principles from the three major scientific disciplines of biology, chemistry, and physics. What makes nanotechnology such an interdisciplinary field is its wide range of applications.

The various applications of nanoparticles —

In order to identify how emerging technology can be integrated into a technology that debuted in the late 50s, the properties of general nanoparticles need to be taken into account. According to GreenFacts, the principle parameters of nanoparticles are their “size, shape, surface characteristics, and inner structure.” (GreenFacts). This means that the ability of the nanoparticles to interact with the surrounding technology should be thoroughly evaluated.

The general assumption within the nanotechnology community is that toxicity or probability of irregularity increases as the size of the nanoparticles increases; both the size and the physical and chemical properties change (National Center for Biotechnology Information). Nanotechnology and nanoscience could significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of satellites.

What is the Most Practical Way of Integrating Nanoparticles into Contemporary Satellites?

Nanotechnology contains two approaches to engineering or creating nanomaterials: top-down and bottom-up approaches. Top-down approaches can be compared to sculpting. The sculptor (scientist/researchers) start with a stone (large-scale structure) and gradually reduce the size of the structure. A bottom-up approach can be compared to constructing a structure with legos, from the bottom up.

On account of the fact that nanotechnology is an emerging field, we do not have the ability to engineer micro-scale components (we wouldn’t be able to see them!). Therefore, the most practical way of integrating nanotechnology into contemporary satellites is to focus on manufacturing nanoparticle-based large scale components. This would allow for a top-down integration process rather than manufacturing components that are anywhere 1 to 100 nanometers in size. This synthesis methodology would also allow engineers to maximize the efficiency of these systems while reducing the size to a reasonable size over a set period of time. This shift in methodology would also align with contemporary technological alterations; where increased efficiency meets a reduction in size.


Utilizing a top-down manufacturing and engineering approach carries a myriad of limitations. The current state of aerospace technology and the properties of modern-day nanoparticles serves as a minor limitation. Satellite technology cannot be immediately reduced due to the current state of technology and its principles; we can only go as far as technology will allow us to go. We are limited by the slow but present advancement of nanotechnology. Technological compatibility could also limit the type and way in which nanoparticles are integrated into satellites.

Researchers wishing to expand on the research presented in this paper could organize a formal study that utilizes one of the various methods; this would be a practical way to test the degree to which nanoparticles improve the efficiency and accuracy of climate satellites and models.

