Toxic Positivity is Killing Us

Insane and Mundane
3 min readApr 4, 2024


You’ve heard it all before. “No negative vibes”. “Too blessed to be stressed.” “Sending you Light and Love.” “I can only be around positive people.” “Evil doesn’t exist.” I get it. No one wants to feel bad. It feels safe to ignore that Rome is literally on fire. Especially if everything is going pretty well for YOU right now. It’s so easy to pretend that everything is “normal.” However, if you have any level of consciousness, you know something isn’t right.

Positive vibes only got us into the entire mess in the first place. There is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling gratitude and joy. But can we be real for a few minutes? Pretending, avoiding, and spiritual bypassing isn’t positive at all. It’s sick. It’s allowed governments and billionaires to take over and we’ve willingly complied. While we were distracted with propaganda, “stuff”, and our very, very “important” jobs, they’ve taken almost everything.

Life is stressful. Negative things are happening in the world. The majority of people in the US don’t even have $400 in savings. Many people are food insecure and live in fear of medical and educational debt. The truth is, even if you’re doing okay today, you are most likely just a few paychecks away from being in the same boat. We are surrounded by doom and gloom. People are hurting and people are depressed. It’s so tempting to bury your head in the sand and pretend everything’s back to “normal” and just keep going through the motions, but that doesn’t make it true.

We humans were never meant to live like this. We were meant to live in small, collaborative tribes where we look out for each other. We were meant to breathe fresh air, drink clean water, and eat healthy chemical-free natural food. We were meant to create and be in communion with something greater than ourselves.

We’ve created a world of illusion and plenty but plenty of what? Cheap crap, (mostly at the expense of the rest of the planet). Superficial friendships. Over-reliance on technology. Too much information. Way too much busyness.

The way through this isn’t the Law of Attraction or pretending there is nothing to see. It’s to wake the hell up and acknowledge what is happening. If you say you don’t pay attention or have a clue as to what’s going on in the world, it’s not anything to boast about or wear as a badge of honor. We cannot fix these broken systems by pretending they simply don’t exist. That’s called magical thinking and delusion.

I would love nothing more to live in a world with no wars, no power-hungry madmen (and women), no starvation and hunger, and no crime. But we have to create it! We simply cannot create better systems if we deny the ones we currently have are awful and seem hell-bent on destroying humanity. We let the powerful divide us by religion, skin color, politics, and sexuality and we play right into their hands. This absurd upcoming election in the United States? People rooting for their “home team” to win. Newsflash, our elected officials aren’t fixing a damn thing. They are perfectly happy with the status quo.

If this is going to get fixed and things are going to get better for EVERYONE, we need to stop pretending everything is magical and lovely and we need to stop fighting each other. Let’s start banding together and put aside our differences. Most of us want the same things. Love, security, friendship, clean water, nutritious food, and a warm place to sleep.

So please, stop pretending everything is sunshine and unicorns, and let’s start doing the hard work. In the end, a massive shift back to natural and intuitive living is true positivity.



Insane and Mundane

Health Coach, Spiritual Seeker, QiGong instructor and Student of History and Religion