Facebook will start allowing users to log into third-party apps anonymously

Ian Brennan
2 min readApr 30, 2014

At Facebook’s F8 Developer Conference, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook users will soon be able to sign into third-party applications anonymously.

“Some people are scared of pressing this blue button. If you’re using an app that you don’t completely trust or you’re worried might spam your friends, you’re not going to give it a lot of permissions.”
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO

Anonymous login attempts to solve the trust issue by hiding your personal information from the app developer, and allowing you to preview the experience you’re going to receive.

Anonymous login is essentially a risk free way to login and try apps, it’s a way for Facebook’s 1 billion+ users to “try apps without fear”. It will work across all your devices, seamlessly syncing in the same way the current application authentication works.

“Even if you don’t want an app to know who you are yet, you still want a streamlined process for signing in”

The anonymous login will give you the option, should you enjoy the application you are using, to switch and sign in with your own identity. To make that switch easier, the Facebook CEO also announced improvements to the application permissions screen. It will now be easier for users to understand exactly what they’re sharing with the application.

Preview of the anonymous login feature
Preview of the new app permissions screen

Anonymous login is currently in beta testing with a select few developers and will be opened to more app owners over the coming months.

