Weekly Developer Update: 8/13/18

v15 Progress Report, Release Candidate Patch Notes

3 min readAug 13, 2018

Version 15 Update

Version 15 of the Nano Node software was released on the beta network early Sunday morning. The developers, alongside the community, have been stringently testing the software in preparation for its release, currently scheduled for the end of this week.

The beta network has been running a steady 4–6 TPS today using minimal bandwidth. Stress tests and spam events are planned this week to test the network under larger loads.

While we are collecting data on the network and will be sharing it as it becomes available, we welcome the community to join us and share their findings. Users can easily access the beta network at https://beta.nano.org/ and get involved.

Our team is very excited about the release of version 15! If you have any questions regarding the upcoming changes, please reach out to Austin or myself on the Nano subreddit.

15.0.0 RC Beta Release Notes

These binaries are compiled for the beta network, They will not work on the live network with a live database


  • Add epoch blocks to disable old type blocks (#955, #978)
  • Vote by hash feature to reduce bandwidth (#1025)
  • Bulk pull by account bootstrap feature (#1039)
  • Allow bootstrap to pull single blocks (#985)
  • Fix deterministic wallet keys in boost 1.67 or above (#967)
  • Bulk push accepts block hash as first argument (#973)
  • Send confirm_req to all peers if reps list is empty (#937)
  • Reduce broadcasting of long unconfirmed elections (#1011)
  • Voting improvements (#1022, #1030, #1036)
  • Do not mix confirmed & aborted elections (#1048)
  • Database upgrade fix (#939)
  • Backup file permissions (#929)
  • Miscellaneous code improvements (#932, #954, #971, #980, #982, #1005, #1017, #1050, #1051)


  • Revamped error handling (#1029, #1032)
  • Replace RPC wallet_balance_total with wallet_info (#776)
  • Add option to include active in RPC *_pending (#1028)
  • Fix possible wallet locked errors in RPC (#977)
  • wallet_change_seed functionality matches CLI (#925)
  • account_history returns balance and previous for raw queries (#943)
  • Log ID for each RPC call (#951)
  • Allow OpenSSL 1.1 (#950)

Classic Wallet

  • Create Block produces state blocks (#934)


  • Logging improvments (#926, #1031)
  • Fix duplicate state block counting in stats (#927)

Development and testing

  • Beta network restart (#936, #938, #960, #963, #1035, 552817)
  • Several tests fixed, require core tests to pass in travis (#969, #1026)
  • Travis build speedup and other improvements (#957, #1016)
  • Framework for error handling (#942)
  • CMake modernization and fixes (#965, #933, #1007)
  • MSVC 15.5 GTEST compatibility (688aba)


a97b260254ff3af6d20acdb914fa3487f08035756e1b18ec0e7255d332a29b79 *Nano-15.0.0-RC-BETA-Darwin.dmg
57141384bd9bbe33ef5dcc3ae69ae14b1eb77ba128013196bb083bf5c6dc085b *Nano-15.0.0-RC-Beta-Linux.tar.bz2
a6b9e127a0547969298da9b24c5cd3feadf37295e380ab69dec862f495022d89 *Nano-15.0.0-RC-BETA-win64.exe

GPG Signature

* GPG keys located in source ( /utils/gpg_keys)

Hash: SHA256
Below are sha256sum hashes for version 15.0.0 Beta Network RC releases.
Signature verification can be done against the signature for argakiig in the source code repository (/utils/gpg_keys)
a97b260254ff3af6d20acdb914fa3487f08035756e1b18ec0e7255d332a29b79 *Nano-15.0.0-RC-BETA-Darwin.dmg
57141384bd9bbe33ef5dcc3ae69ae14b1eb77ba128013196bb083bf5c6dc085b *Nano-15.0.0-RC-Beta-Linux.tar.bz2
a6b9e127a0547969298da9b24c5cd3feadf37295e380ab69dec862f495022d89 *Nano-15.0.0-RC-BETA-win64.exe





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