end-to-end ML project implementation

Loan Defaulting Tendency Prediction — End-to-End ML implementation

A case study on the Home Credit Default Risk dataset — part 1 of 3

Narasimha Shenoy
16 min readMar 21, 2022
(by author)

Preface and setting the expectations
This end-to-end project is the first plunge taken by me, a mechanical engineering grad working in the manufacturing and energy industry for around 10 years; in the ocean of ML.

This article is written with the following intents —

  • Documenting my journey through the ocean of Machine Learning and data science — helping me keep track of the journey and one day, look back and appreciate it.
  • Help fellow mates, especially non-CS background folks in implementing a complete end-to-end project and make their ML-DS journey a little smoother (hopefully!😅) .

To this effect, I have been a bit verbose in penning down the thoughts and steps involved in the project. I have broken down the entire process into milestone activities. Each activity is further divided into specific sub-sections based on the context , focusing on the hits and misses while trying out various options, especially the misses.
With this, I hope to give you a structured approach which may help you not only with this project, but any other projects you will take up in the future.

Owing to the lengthy nature, I have spread the article over three parts —

1. Introduction , dataset familiarization & Performance Metric selection (this article)

2. EDA, Feature Engineering and Machine Learning Modelling (click here to read)

3. ML Model deployment (click here to read)

You will appreciate that there is no dearth of excellent learning materials for topics from ML/DS on the internet (free ones too!!) and thus, I’ll not be elaborating upon basic concepts in order to get you to complete this end-to-end implementation up and running in the least time possible.
Context-specific topics though, shall be introduced and cleared as the need arises.

This is the first part of the series in which we will understand the real life problem and how it translates to a ML one.

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand — Confucius

In keeping with the profound quote above, the best way to go about this series is reading the articles along with my Google Colab notebooks open so that you may get a ‘hands-on’ experience.
I have created a GitHub repository of all my Colab notebooks in a phase-wise manner which can be found here.
Owing to this, I am not including code snippets in the articles. Rather, the comments in the Colab notebooks shall help you correlate the code, its output and the conclusion derived in this article.

With the intent and way ahead cleared, let’s finally get to the meat of the matter.

This part contains the following —


  • Motivation
  • Problem at hand
  • What is the problem all about?
  • Why is this an important problem to solve?
  • Business/Real-world impact of solving this problem


  • Understanding the dataset & its quirks
  • Listing approaches towards handling the datasets


  • Need for a performance metric
  • The prominent KPIs in the credit lending sector
  • Setting the context for deciding metrics appropriate for case at hand
  • Common approaches frequented for similar problems



Loans are important! (Source)

Over the course of several years of evolution, humankind has devised various tools and systems to ensure their continued survival and to enhance quality of life. One such system that was conceived, widely adopted and has stood the test of time is the concept of money. Money helps people achieve a better quality of education, larger chance of business success, access to medical facilities and higher work output. In anyone’s life, a situation may come when all of sudden you require cash. In such times of crisis, not everyone can readily arrange for funds from friends, relatives or such means. To address this need, the concept of loan originated. Loans are an important means to tide over difficult times, aim for upward mobility and in the development of individuals and industries alike. With such profound socioeconomic considerations, judicious accessibility to loans as well as mutual benefit to lenders as well as recipients are aspects that need to be ensured with a high degree of integrity. Majorly, the onus for ensuring an objective and mutually beneficial lending process lies with the lender. Any mechanism to aid the lender in this process will help them sustain and become or stay profitable and also enable greater disbursal of loans to applicants deemed eligible.

Problem at hand
Given a loan application of a potential or existing client at Home Credit, the ML model needs to predict whether the client will be able to repay the loan or not. Access to past data for a sample of Home Credit applicants aid in the building of this prediction model.

What is the problem all about?
Increasing population coupled with modernization and consequently, human’s quest for lifestyle enhancements have resulted in a huge demand for credit or loans. There is intense competition among traditional banks and numerous credit-lending start-ups to grab their share of this business and attract people by providing different attractive schemes. Start-ups especially, are targeting and catering to non-banked population or first-time credit seekers who have insufficient or non-existent credit histories due to which they are at disadvantage with traditional financial institutions. This unprecedented accessibility in credit availability, market competition and consumption has led to an increase in losses resulting from bad loans. Instead of making money from loan interest, lenders are suffering a huge capital loss. In order to prevent the loss, it is very important to have a system in place which will accurately predict the loan defaulters even before approving the loan. This is especially important for institutions with lending as their primary source of business; such as Home Credit, in order to sustain and grow in the market.

Why is this an important problem to solve?
Post-pandemic world has disrupted many aspects of life including financial requirements. Many are resorting to loans to ensure basic subsistence. Some struggle to get loans due to insufficient or non-existent credit histories. And, unfortunately, such a population is often taken advantage of by unscrupulous lenders. Secondly, lending institutions need to ensure very low credit delinquency rates to stay profitable and provide loans to worthy applicants. An objective model helps the lending agencies disburse prudent loans. This system helps them process and disburse loans faster, increase profit and client base as well as possibly protect genuine debtors from predatory lenders.

Business/Real-world impact of solving this problem
Lender’s context — Data-driven, objective decision regarding credit-delinquency ensures a lending process which is swift, has a rational basis and safeguards the agencies’ interests while maximizing profits. Correlating the metrics of model evaluation to the KPIs of the organization helps in understanding their standing in the market, potential client base and formulation of future strategies. Going beyond mere binary classification, a model predicting a loan amount threshold which can be offered to the applicant ensuring low default score can help lending-only agencies, especially new companies to gain new clients and grants them the opportunity for greater engagement and interpersonal interactions, a base for future business.
Debtor’s context — A model that does not rely extensively on past credit histories allows for financial inclusion of people with insufficient or non-existent credit histories. Such groups, which are vulnerable to exploitative lending practices, can be catered to by the organized sectors. Loans from organized lenders will in turn improve credit worthiness of this population helping them gain loans in the future, empowering them, financially and socially.


Understanding the dataset & its quirks
The dataset is sourced from Home credit Default Risk Kaggle competition.
The dataset totaling to approximately 2.68GB is in csv format split over 9 files.
For ease of understanding, the entire dataset can be grouped under three major heads.

The content of each data file and relation among them (source)

The main dataset
This is the primary data for training the model and testing its performance. It has two files, ‘application_train.csv’ and ‘application_test.csv’.
The training set contains 307,511 observations of 122 variables and provides static data for all applicants of Home Credit services.

The target variable resides in this dataset and indicates whether clients have had difficulties in meeting payment with two values — 1 for clients who defaulted and 0 for those that did not default.

We may consider this as the default dataset. Each observation is a loan application and includes the target value, demographic variables and some other information.
The test set contains 48745 entries with 121 variables as it being the test data, target values column shall not be present.

‘Applicants having existing history with Home Credit’ dataset
This data is pertaining to applicants who are already existing clients of Home Credit.
The file ‘previous_application.csv’ contains records of all previous loan parameters and client information for Home Credit loans of clients who have loans in the sample.
The file ‘POS_CASH_balance.csv’ details monthly balance snapshots of previous PoS (point of sales) and cash loans that the applicant has had with Home Credit.
The file ‘installments_payments.csv’ has repayment history for the previously disbursed loans in Home Credit related to the loans in the sample.
The file ‘credit_card_balance.csv’ contains monthly balance records of previous credit card loans that the applicant has had with Home Credit.

‘Applicants having no history with Home Credit’ dataset
This data is pertaining to applicants who have no prior history with Home Credit.
The file ‘bureau.csv’ contains data pertaining to previous loans a client had secured from other financial institutions, the details of which were reported to the Credit Bureau (for clients who have a loan in the sample).
The file ‘bureau_balance.csv’ details the monthly balances of the client’s previous credits reported to the Credit Bureau.

The Home Credit dataset is fairly large sized [~2.6GB] with 121 columns or features in the primary (train) dataset to tinker with. Moreover, the secondary data provides scope for creation of new features, feature interactions and combinations to help the model.

As is the case with any profitable lending agency, the Home Credit training dataset has a very small number [approximately 8% of total samples] of credit defaulters. This is the case of an imbalanced dataset which needs to be addressed by either sampling techniques or using appropriate models and metrics.

Standard pre-processing and data cleaning procedures like missing value imputation, removal of duplicate entries, detection and handling of glaring anomalies/outliers are especially important in this dataset in order to have relevant features as inputs and produce interpretable results.

Listing approaches towards handling the datasets
As the dataset is primarily a csv file, using Pandas is preferred owing to its capabilities in handling tabular data such as this dataset; and phenomenal documentation and support in case of possible bugs. In the case of encountering memory problems or sluggishness, Vaex or Dask may be used as an alternative.
For EDA and visualizations, Seaborn shall be used for mapping the data on the informative and interactive plots and deriving visual insights.
Sklearn shall be used for building machine learning and statistical models such as clustering, classification, regression, etc. Depending on the outcome of EDA and feature engineering, more specific libraries may be tried out.
For working out initial strategies regarding metrics, features, popular and powerful libraries such as Numpy and SciPy shall be used.
More specific libraries may be used depending on the outcome of EDA and feature-specific cases and the same shall be highlighted at the appropriate stages.

Possibility of Dataset augmentation
The Home Credit dataset from Kaggle competition is used in accordance with Kaggle’s Data Access and Use policy. The dataset is created with Home Credit’s existing credit delinquency model parameters in context.
Open-source data from other sources may not be used directly as both the datasets may have been created with different philosophies and hence, different parameters. However, after feature engineering there is a possibility of using other datasets with similar features, employing suitable imputation or encodings.


Need for a performance metric
The ‘learning’ of any machine learning model is basically on a constructive feedback principle. We build a model, get feedback from metrics, make improvements and continue until we achieve a desirable value of the chosen metric.
Evaluation metrics explain the performance of a model. An important aspect of evaluation metrics is their capability to discriminate among model outcomes.

Prerequisite for choosing a performance metric — Balance between Domain knowledge and Machine Learning expertise
Sound knowledge of the KPIs in the credit sector as well as the correlation between the ML model metrics and the KPIs is essential in order to not merely use the model as a binary segregator, but as a quantifiable means to monitor the organization’s health. Moreover, the ML model should be interpretable and be able to achieve the intent.
As humans are filling the loan application form fields and there is possibility for error or falsification, a domain knowledge of financial industry and understanding of the demographics helps in addressing this aspect. Also, depending on the interactions with a potential client seeking a substantial sum, knowledge and experience in the financial domain might motivate investing time and efforts to convert the application which might not be fully implementable in a binary model.
ML expertise can help understand and tackle the quirks related to the problem at hand such as imbalanced dataset, missing values or additional data needed. Suitability of models with context to accuracy vs. interpretability also requires knowledge of ML. It always helps to have an understanding of the inner logic of the model and its parameters today to assess whether the same is valid tomorrow.
Finding the right balance between business utility, interpretability and fidelity, robustness of ML model is an important constraint which needs to be resolved before dwelling further.

The prominent KPIs in the credit lending sector
There are some common KPIs frequently followed in lending agencies to assess their healthiness, processes and growth and formulation of business strategy. A brief regarding these is as follows:
Pull Through Rate — This KPI measures process efficiency by dividing total funded loans by the number of applications submitted during a defined period.
Abandoned loan rate — This KPI measures the percentage of loan applications that are abandoned by a borrower after they have been approved by the lender.
Application approval rate — This KPI is calculated by dividing the number of approved applications by the amount of submitted applications.
Customer Acquisition Cost — This key financial measurement is the ratio of a borrower’s lifetime value to a borrower’s acquisition cost. This KPI is used by lenders to help determine how much of its resources can be profitably spent on a particular customer.

The costs include but aren’t limited to research, marketing and advertising. Ideally, the customer acquisition cost should be greater than one since a borrower isn’t profitable if the cost to acquire is greater than the profit they will bring to a lender.
These business KPIs can be correlated with the model evaluation metrics to have a quantifiable, rational, data-based evaluation criteria. To elaborate, KPIs like abandoned loan rate as well as application approval rate can be directly arrived at by the input data for the model and the predictions. Other KPIs such as customer acquisition cost perhaps may need additional data to make sense.

Setting the context for deciding metrics appropriate for case at hand

The Home Credit dataset has the target equal to 0 for clients who repay the loan on time and target equal to 1 for those that default. So, this is a two state or binary classification problem.

The data is quite imbalanced because there is a high number of clients who repay the loan compared to clients who default.
While translating the model prediction to business outcome for Home Credit, there are two cases which result in a situation of loss.
Case 1 — The model has predicted the client will repay the loan but actually he has defaulted. This is critical as it results in loss of capital equivalent to defaulted credit to Home Credit.
Case 2 — The model has predicted the client will default but he can actually repay the loan back. Here, Home Credit faces the loss of a potential client and potential loss in return interest or lost business opportunity cost. Apart from this, there exists the fact that a deserving client is not getting a loan on account of the model prediction.
As the primary intent of using the model is to protect the interests of the credit lending agency, case 1 shall be a focal point in deciding the performance metrics.

Listing and assessing the possible Metrics appropriate for the context
Since the problem at hand is a binary classification problem, the following metrics are insightful -
★ Accuracy ★ Precision ★ Recall ★ F1 Score ★ ROC-AUC score

Accuracy is the most intuitive performance metric and it is simply the ratio of correctly predicted observation to the total observations. However, considering the imbalanced dataset, even a dumb model predicting every client as non-defaulter can bag an accuracy score of ~0.92 considering the training sample distribution, which is quite erroneous.

Unless the imbalance is resolved, accuracy is a poor metric to use.

Precision is the ratio of correctly predicted positive observations to the total predicted positive observations, by the model. Its interpretation is fairly simple and intuitive. In context to the Home Credit dataset, this translates to ratio of correctly identified defaulters to the sum total of correctly and incorrectly identified defaulters, by the model.

Precision is a good metric when the cost of a false positive is high.

This metric shall address the case 2 scenario. As case 2 is not the dominant loss case, this may not be the primary metric.

Recall is the ratio of correctly predicted positive observations to the total positive observations, by the model. Its interpretation is fairly simple and intuitive. In context to the Home Credit dataset, this translates to the ratio of correctly identified defaulters to the actual defaulters, by the model.

Recall is a good metric when the cost of a false negative is high.

This metric shall address the case 1 scenario. As case 1 is the dominant loss case, this may be the primary metric.

F1 Score is basically the geometric mean of Precision and Recall. This score takes both false positives and false negatives into account. Though F1 Score is usually more useful than accuracy, especially for imbalanced distributions, intuitively it is not as easy to interpret and understand as accuracy. Though this metric addresses both the loss cases, to translate into business impact it has to be viewed along with the constituent Precision and Recall scores. This can be considered as a secondary metric.

Confusion Matrix — Summary of above metrics (by author)

ROC-AUC Score is basically the area under the curve for a plot of True Positive Rate [TPR] or Recall on Y-axis vs False Positive Rate [FPR] on X-axis. An excellent model scores closer to 1 implying it has a good measure of separability. A poor model scores near 0 which describes that it has the worst measure of separability. In fact, it means it is reciprocating the result and predicting 0s as 1s and 1s as 0s. When an AUC is 0.5, it means the model has no class separation capacity present whatsoever and is basically a random model. AUC score covers both loss cases and the graph has very good interpretability.

ROC curve (Source)

Hence ROC-AUC Score can be the primary performance metric. Also, the original Kaggle Home Credit competition had this as the evaluation criterion.

PR Curve is basically the plot of the precision (y-axis) and the recall (x-axis) for different thresholds, much like the ROC curve. Similar to the AUC of ROC curves, AUC-PR is typically in the range [0.5,1]. If a classifier obtains an AUC-PR smaller than 0.5, the labels should be inverted.

But importantly, the Precision-Recall Plot is more informative than the ROC Plot when evaluating Binary Classifiers on Imbalanced Datasets, especially when one cares more about positive than negative class.

PR curve (Source)

The Home Credit fits the criteria as the dataset is highly imbalanced and as explained in the cases, predicting the defaulter (positive case) is the priority. Hence, the PRC graph ‘may’ also be plotted.

Cases where the above-mentioned Metrics shine
When the dataset is almost balanced, Accuracy is the one of the most widely used metrics owing to its high interpretability. A classic example of the balanced dataset is the Iris dataset.
Precision is best used when the cost of false positives is high as in the case of weather prediction for launching satellites. If the model predicts that it is a good day, but it is actually a bad day to launch the satellite (false positive) then the satellites may be destroyed and the cost of damages will be in the billions.
Recall is best used when the cost of false negatives is high as in the case of cancer detection. A false positive can be detected by further specialized tests but a false negative can be lethal by preventing timely diagnosis and thus, treatment.

Common approaches frequented for similar problems
Upon reading blog posts, resource forums and research papers pertaining to modelling ML solutions to similar problems, the logic can generally be categorized in any of the three broad strategies -
Extensive feature engineering, creating new features, interactions and using these inputs on fairly standard classification models such as LR, DT and its variants and ensemble models; with relatively lesser emphasis on model hyperparameter optimization.
Standard or minimal feature engineering and using many standard models with intensive hyperparameter tuning, usage of neural networks. Here, the majority of thought work is focused on optimizing the model parameters.
A very few works have actually done both, extensive feature engineering as well as trying out a variety of models, each with hyperparameter tuning. Some have tried out Deep Learning neural network models with varying results.
All of these approaches are in a way relevant to the problem at hand. Initial strategy shall be to understand the data with EDA and also try out the standard classification models. Eventually, after dwelling further, model-specific approaches can be formulated.

With this, we conclude this article (Phew!😅)
In the next post , we will perform EDA on the Home Credit dataset and perform Feature Engineering along with ML modeling, by using the insights from the EDA.
Thanks for sticking around and hope to see you in the next post through completion.😀

Bouquets💐 & brickbats🧱 may be directed to me here.



Narasimha Shenoy

🎮Gamer.🛠️Engineer. | penning my thoughts online🔖 | navigating my way in the ocean called life🚣🏻‍♂️ | tag along😃