Introducing Nano Wallet from the Nano Wallet Company

Nano Wallet Company
3 min readJun 21, 2018


Today, we’re excited to publicly release and open source Nano Wallet for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows and Linux!

These wallets have been in the works since late last year, thank you to everyone in the community who has helped find bugs and given suggestions on improving the wallets in the last few months.

We are just waiting for Apple to propagate the app to the App Store but it was marked Ready for Sale earlier this morning and should be available shortly.

Desktop is being released and open sourced as Release Candidate 1 and will be fully live soon but is now open to everyone to use!

Feature Highlights:

iOS & Android:
* Send and receive: use Nano wallet with friends or your favorite Nano-accepting service provider
* Currency converter to send in Nano or in your local currency
* Share card to text to your friends so they can send you Nano

* Multiple accounts (also coming soon to mobile)
* Built on Electron so you can use it regardless of your operating system

What is the Nano Wallet Company and how is it different from Nano?

The Nano Wallet Company is a separate entity, unconnected to the Nano Foundation. While there is some overlap in those working for both companies, the Nano Foundation has no control over the wallets and no relationship with the Nano Wallet Company. The Nano Foundation, mirroring other cryptocurrencies, limits itself to core functions related to the protocol, while maintaining an arms-length approach to software built on top of Nano.

This also frees up Nano to not play favorites when it comes to wallets. Therefore, there is no “official” wallet. We leave it up to you, the community, to pick which one you think is best based on your needs.

The Nano Wallets are open-source and we hope that you will contribute to continue their improvement.


On the mobile wallets, there are 44 representatives who have been vetted by Troy and the community as running nodes with high uptime and a decent Nano stake. Their owners have been verified as well. New wallets randomly choose from one of the 44 addresses to be the representative.

This is temporary while we put in place our plan to add additional representatives to the list in the wallets.

In the future, you will be able to change your representative from within the app.

How to upgrade from the iOS beta

If you participated in the iOS beta on TestFlight, you will need to enter your Wallet Seed again as this app is a brand new app. You can find your Wallet Seed in Settings, copy it and paste it into the new app.

Remember: never give your Wallet Seed to anyone, under any circumstances and always store it somewhere safe and secure.

This is just the beginning

These wallets are a starting place. The community has been asking for new features and design updates and those are on the way!

The best part is, you can jump in and help build them! If you know Swift, Java or JavaScript (or want to learn) and want to contribute, head over to Github, fork a repo and get started!

Thank you to the Nano community for all of the support as we built and tested these wallets. We’re excited to get them in everyone’s hands and to work with you to continue building them.

Download any of the Nano Wallets today at!

