3 min readDec 26, 2019


Artificial intelligence has explored every field involved in human life development and advancement. AI in medicine suggests the use of automated processes in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Health is the most important factor for happy and peaceful living. Science and technology have looked forward to the advancement of mankind since the beginning of the human race. Diagnosis and treatment includes the series of steps which include

  1. Gathering the data of the patient
  2. Processing and analyzing the gathered data
  3. Concluding the status of the patient
  4. Using various sources for an accurate diagnosis
  5. Determining the disease or malfunctions and preparing the solution/treatment chart for it
  6. Monitoring the effect of medicines and diet on the patient
  7. Preparing a chat off the changes and improvements occurring on a regular basis
  8. After the problem is solved caring and essentials required in the diet

With the help of AI, these tasks can be automated and can be more precise leading to accuracy and lesser medication errors. Data entry plays an important role in the process. A lot of time-saving takes place because of the AI. Therefore motive of AI is to lessen the time and effort taken for data entry and improved results and analysis helping the trained medical professionals in the judgment of the core of the disease.

There is an abundance of knowledge in medical sciences, the challenge is acquiring, analyzing and applying this knowledge in a proper way. The complex problems faced nowadays needs these 3 A’s. The development of artificial intelligence will lead to the processing of these three A’s.

There are systems developed and used now for the processing and managing of the duties mentioned until now. The systems include Artificial neural networks (ANNs), fuzzy expert systems, evolutionary computation, and hybrid intelligent systems.

  • ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS is the most popular AI technique used in most of the meditation techniques. ANNs are computational analytical tools which are inspired by the biological nervous system. They consist of networks of highly interconnected computer processors called ‘neurons’ that are capable of performing parallel computations for data processing and knowledge representation. McCulloch and Pitts (1943) invented the first artificial neuron using simple binary threshold functions. ANNs have been used in the clinical diagnosis, image analysis in radiology and histopathology, data interpretation in intensive care setting and waveform analysis. Stamey developed a neural network derived classification algorithm called ProstAsure Index which can classify prostates as benign or malignant. This model which was subsequently validated in prospective studies had a diagnostic accuracy of 90%, with a sensitivity of 81% and specificity of 92%. Some of the other surgically relevant diagnostic applications of ANNs include abdominal pain and appendicitis, retained common bile duct stones, glaucoma, and back pain.
  • FUZZY EXPERT SYSTEM:- Fuzzy logic is the science of reasoning, thinking, and inference that recognizes and uses the real-world phenomenon — that everything is a matter of degree. Fuzzy controllers have been designed for the administration of vasodilators to control blood pressure in the perioperative period. They have also been used for the administration of anesthetics in the operating room.
  • Evolutionary computation and the list of various specialized algorithms and logic continue. Summarising it all, there are many different AI techniques available that are capable of solving a variety of clinical problems.

Medical AI technology has not been embraced with enthusiasm until now there are many unturned pages. In the current scenario, the need to undertake more randomized controlled studies to prove the efficiency of AI systems in medicine is very important. There is compelling evidence that medical AI can play a vital role in assisting the clinician to deliver health care efficiently in the 21st century.


Microsoft Student partner. Passionate about technology especially use of AI in market and mobile development.