Artificial Intelligence: Ethical Use

I think, therefore I am. The most famous quotes have a great impact on our mind in the era of AI.

4 min readApr 24, 2019

Elon Musk Announced but…

Elon Musk has announced that he expects the firm to have self-driving “robotaxis” on the road by 2020.

This epoch-making announcement raised questions some of the people who don’t believe in the driver-less cars. Actually, I’m the one who has experienced Tesla, and it is great, but I have something fear of accident when the driver becomes distracted despite I know the Deep Learning and how does it work on Tesla. Also, there are some issues. Hacker is continuously attacking connected cars. A week ago, Daimler and BMW’s car-sharing service was reportedly hacked in Chicago and up to 100 luxury cars are missing or stolen.

According to the article on security Security Boulevard, this is a very real problem in the car industry.

The need for a zero day-proof security system is urgent, because the attack surface of a connected vehicle is so vast — and the potential consequences so frightening. As new features are deployed in connected vehicles — designed to further enhance the safety of drivers and passengers — you can be sure hackers will be there, figuring out new exploits and updating their online guides. The industry understands this, and hopefully its best practices will evolve to reflect this need.

But this will be a huge problem in the other AI industries as well. How do we protect? Ethical Use and AI is very hot now.


If you are obsessed with the AI, you know OSMOSIS. OSMOSIS is a great French drama series on Netflix. It’s a little near-future sci-fi with anxiety. This beautiful drama raises a very critical question “Can we believe in true love recommended by AI?”

Actually, some of our lives are controlled by AI. I cannot find my way without Google maps, UBER driver will decide the routes as AI directed. You may sometimes buy books on Amazon as displayed on “Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations”. Is your decision truly made by yourself?

I think, therefore I am.

You know this is from Descartes. You are now reading this blog and looking at a phone or pc display. And you will think about that. “I’m now scrolling the screen”. But is that sure? No doubt in your belief?

If you are reading this, then you are probably looking at a screen or a piece of paper. Think to yourself: “I have some paper in my hand,” “I am in front of a computer”. This is the Descartes’ point. Your beliefs are not certain, and he found that “I think, therefore I am.” is the only thing you can trust.

Descartes’ approach was very both scientific and philosophical. And I feel this is the very thing we need to think in the era of AI.

If the AI control our thoughts and find true love, I don’t ‘think’ this is true love. Tinder is the greatest example of this. This company will accelerate the matching algorithm by AI, but this kind of thing will not be everything. If you like a blonde woman and to talk about French movie, and moreover, to go hiking on holiday, these kinds of thing aren’t a factor to be a soulmate. Probabilistic inference is one of the most difficult parts of machine learning.

Ethical Use of AI

In the context of ethical use, the most important thing is not only to make efficiency but make human feel self-efficacy. We are making approximately tens of thousand decisions in a day. These are too much now because of the notification and social media, our working memory becomes exhausted so that our executive functions are paralyzed. So we need a place to be more in silence to think deeply in your mind.

You think, therefore you are.




Nao is an emotion diary platform to overcome negative feelings. Nao is designed to create positive feedback loops based on cognitive science.