We Live In The Brace Position!

Naomi Lambert
3 min readJan 22, 2024

The metaphorical brace position has become our collective stance, a symbol of our precarious existence. The metaphor extends beyond the physical realm of air travel, where passengers adopt the brace position in anticipation of a potential crash. Rather, it encapsulates the pervasive sense of instability that permeates our lives on a global scale.

From political upheavals to economic downturns, the relentless onslaught of crises has become the backdrop of our reality. The once-unthinkable has become commonplace, and the ground beneath our feet seems to shift with unsettling regularity. We live in an era where the unexpected is the new normal, and the brace position has become our psychological refuge in the face of constant upheaval.

The rise of technological advancements, while promising progress, has also intensified the volatility of our interconnected world. Social media, a double-edged sword, has transformed into a battlefield where information wars rage. Disinformation spreads like wildfire, sowing seeds of discord and eroding the foundations of trust. In this digital age, our collective psyche is perpetually on edge, navigating a landscape where reality blurs with manipulated narratives.

Environmental crises add another layer to our perpetual state of readiness. The specter of climate change looms large, manifesting in extreme…



Naomi Lambert

📝 Writer | ✨ Content Creator | 📖 Magazine Editor | 🌍 Global Social Enterprise Founder | 🤝 Charity Board Member | 🌈 Fertility Advocate I