Weight loss without any diet

Lacy Arnold Review

Naomi White
2 min readJul 21, 2014


How to stop to sit on a diet and lose weight really — Mark Twain, when he was asked, how easy is it to quit smoking, he answered nothing easier; I already did it a hundred times! Since losing weight is about the same. How to really lose weight?

Sometimes you wake up, you will look in the mirror and so angry at me that, on the spot, decide all, it’s time to go on a diet! But this had already happened earlier for sure: once you Monday hated myself for overweight and was ready for feats and accomplishments … And if that does not work, then you are doing something wrong. So before you rush into the breach again, slow down and try to understand what the errors are all messed up last time and how not to repeat?

NO strict diet — First rake on which many are coming, — strict limits on food. The stereotype of “I want to lose weight — so have to suffer very tenacious. Therefore, it is popular among the people all kinds of mono and rejection of options. It is really hard to give, but we do not enter into the club masochists, we need completely different!

Typical errors — Often we believe that the root of problems — in a single product. For example, in sugar and slimming tea drink blank, forgetting that in a glass of sweet tea only 40 kcal, which by and large we do not forecast.

Source: Lacy Arnold Lean Moms Program For Weight Loss

