How to Get More QUALITY Time with Your Kids While They’re Attending Preschool (in Naperville or Elsewhere)

7 min readJul 5, 2022


Deciding on having your child in a preschool, in Naperville or anywhere else, is significant. You’re entrusting the welfare and education of your child to someone else. Most of the time it’s because we have to get back to work ourselves (especially when inflation ramps up and talk of recession looms large).

You love your child(ren). You want the best for them. You want them to grow up strong, confident, and healthy, and those are just a few reasons why you decided on a ‘preschool near me’ (as you may have begun your search) or a preschool in Plainfield, or perhaps a bit farther away.

Kids Playing in Preschool Naperville Plainfield

You were diligent in your search because, after all, safety and security are the first priorities among parents for their kiddos. Yet, you miss them. Your busy schedule can make it seem as though you barely spend any quality time with them.

You may pick them up from the preschool in Naperville on your way home, but then spend the next hour prepping dinner, doing laundry, taking care of the pets, and by the time all that’s done you’re exhausted. Completely drained.

And while your precious bundles of joy seek your attention to read a book, watch a TV show, or even play a game… you’re spent. You’ve got nothing left and yet, they still need to get ready for bed, perhaps take a bath, brush their teeth, get into their PJs, and it’s a never-ending battle.

By the end of the week, when the blessed weekend finally (slowly) creeps closer, you see a mountain of chores to do, shopping trips to complete, and perhaps family or friends to visit. A groan escapes and you worry that even though your child is getting the best early childhood education possible in the best preschool Naperville has to offer (KLA Schools), you may be missing out on some of the best firsts of their life.

So, how do we -as parents- slow down? Do you need to reconsider preschool (in Plainfield, Naperville, or elsewhere)? Or is there something else you can do to grasp on to these precious moments with your children?

Absolutely it’s the latter.

Focus on Quality Time

Too often, we hear from parents who worry they’re not ‘spending enough time’ with their kids. They struggle with the decision to enroll them in a quality preschool in Naperville, even though they understand just how beneficial it is for them educationally.

quality time with kids in preschool

Often, though, those feelings of guilt are coming from misplaced priorities. You may very well be spending time with your kids, but is it quality time?

In other words, is it time when you’re not distracted? Not constantly thinking about something else? Where you’re not checking your phone every time it dings?

Quality time with mom or dad is far more important to young children than how much time they get to spend. You could spend an hour in the living room together, but if your child’s on a tablet and you’re using your phone, what does that mean? You might as well be a thousand miles apart.

Young children crave parental attention and they’d much rather have 10 or 15 minutes of your undivided attention than hours just being near you while you’re doing other things.

So, how do we get to that point where quality trumps the number of hours?

1. Put the distractions away. That includes your phone, thoughts about work, cooking, cleaning, etc. If you’re out at the park, put your phone on silent (if you absolutely must have it with you) and do not look at it. Kids notice these things. When they see that your attention is strictly for them in those minutes, they will cherish them.

2. Write them into your calendar. The busier your life is, the quicker things seem to move. It’s easy to overlook the most precious moments in life because there will almost always seem to be something ‘pressing.’ So, write ‘time with Johnny’ into your calendar or datebook or planner. Don’t feel bad about doing this; your child doesn’t judge you for that! Block out the time.

3. Aim for 15 minutes each day. This could be in the morning, before you drop them off at a preschool near you, but just remember … do you tend to remember what you did in the morning more than what you did in the evening? Yeah, kids are the same way. If it’s possible, try to get this time in during the afternoon or evening. That way, they’ll be thinking about those amazing times with you while they drift off to sleep.

4. Join them or invite them to join you. It’s a good idea to do things with your kiddos at different times of the day. That way it won’t become routine, or ‘expected.’ When you do have some time to spend, check in and see what he or she is doing. If they’re playing with toys, reading a book, or some other activity they enjoy, ask if you can join them. Or you can ask if they want to go with you to the store, or to the playground, or outside to play catch. Whatever it is (even if it’s shopping), just make sure they are getting your full attention during that time.

Don’t Overlook Longer Times Together

We’re not advocating that parents only spend 15 minutes with their children every day. Not at all. That’s a minimum to help you feel more connected, especially as your kiddo is enrolled in preschool in Naperville.

As couples need ‘alone time,’ such as going on dates (even and perhaps especially married couples who’ve been together for years and the mundane routines of life become more ingrained within their lives), it’s a good idea to schedule a ‘date’ with each your children once a month. This could be a trip to a park, amusement park, to the movies, a restaurant, or something else your child would love to do.

Some families find time to do this weekly, but if you’re a single parent or couple struggling to make ends meet, that might not be feasible, and that’s okay. Once a month is fine for a child attending preschool in Naperville, Plainfield, or somewhere else. Remember, when your kiddo is enrolled in a quality preschool in Naperville (for example), they’re already having a load of fun, making friends, and learning.

You focus on you, but make time for a ‘date’ with your kid(s) at least once a month.

Don’t Focus on ‘Teaching’ During These Moments

During your 15 minutes or monthly ‘date’ with your kids, don’t worry about teaching. They’ll get plenty of education at the right preschool Naperville has to offer. Instead, just be with them.

Comment on what your child is doing, but avoid the temptation to ask questions like, “What shape is that you drew?” or, “How much money is that?” Focus on the simple connection you are building in these moments.

Don’t Threaten the One-on-One Time

This shouldn’t be a reward for your child. So avoid the temptation to threaten to skip your personal time together if they’re misbehaving. You may think that by ‘rewarding’ bad behavior, it’s a mistake, but this should not be contingent on how he or she is acting or acting out.

In fact, when your child is misbehaving, that’s usually a sign they would really benefit from that special one-on-one time with you.

children gardening in preschool

Don’t Stress About This

Sometimes, you may feel like the pressures of life, your finances, health issues, or other challenges are overwhelming you. You may not feel like spending time with your children some days, or even weeks.

It’s okay. Breathe. Let it go. Don’t feel like you’re trapped and just because you made a commitment to spend more quality time with your kiddos that you’re trapped, stuck, obligated. If you feel that way, step back. Kids can sense these things.

Even though your little one may not know what’s wrong … they can feel it, and if they feel it, more often than not they’ll assume it’s because of them. Not something you’re struggling with.

So, on those days when you just.don’t.have.the.time to devote to them without distraction, without stress, without worry, don’t merely try to smile and fake it. Just be honest and tell them, “I’m sorry. I just can’t do this today.” And don’t forget to tell them how much you love them.

But if you find yourself avoiding the special one-on-one minutes for days and weeks at a time, ask yourself why. Because just remember, if you can spend 15 minutes on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, or watching a TV program, you have time. And, if you’re doing any of those things instead of spending those minutes with your child, turn the excuse of, ‘I just don’t have time’ to ‘it’s not a priority’ and see how you feel.

Choosing a great preschool in Naperville, Plainfield, or somewhere else is a wonderful decision, but just remember your child is your child. They crave quality time with you, even if it’s only a few minutes a day. You can do this!




Best Preschool — KLA Schools in Naperville and Plainfield