8 Things You Need to Know About Getting a Skylight

Naples Roofing
5 min readJul 2, 2024


Skylight Roofing in USA | Naples Roofing.

Installing a skylight is a significant decision that can transform the look and feel of your home. It’s an investment that not only brightens your space but also adds a touch of elegance and increases the value of your property. Before you dive in, it’s crucial to grasp the details about skylight roofing in usa. Here are the eight essential things you need to know about getting a skylight.

1. Do Skylights Always Leak?

One of the most common concerns about skylights is whether they leak. The good news is, skylights don’t inherently leak. The reputation for leaking often comes from poor installation practices rather than defects in the skylight itself.

To ensure a leak-free skylight, you must meticulously follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions. A professionally installed skylight will pass the test of the first rainfall without any leaks. However, as the materials age, leaks can develop if you don’t maintain or replace the skylight as needed. Therefore, regular roof maintenance and timely replacement of skylights will help prevent leaks and extend the life of your installation.

2. How Long Do Skylights Last?

The lifespan of a skylight typically ranges between 15 to 20 years, depending on the quality of the materials and the installation process. After this period, the factory seal between the glass and the metal cladding starts to deteriorate, leading to potential leaks and other issues.

Proper maintenance can significantly extend the lifespan of your skylight. Regular inspections and cleaning, along with prompt repairs of any minor issues, will help you get the most out of your skylight. Hence, if you’re unsure about the condition of your skylight, consulting a professional can provide clarity and ensure your skylight is in good shape.

3. Do Roofers Install Skylights?

Most professional roofing companies and roofers can expertly install skylights. However, it’s crucial to choose a contractor with proven experience in skylight installations. Proper installation is key to ensuring the skylight’s longevity and functionality without leaks.

When looking for skylight roofers in the USA, check reviews, ask for recommendations, and verify their credentials. Many reputable roofing contractors are certified by skylight manufacturers, ensuring they meet high standards for installation. Opting for a certified contractor ensures peace of mind, knowing your skylight will be installed correctly and perform reliably over time.

4. Can a Skylight Qualify for the Federal Solar Tax Credit?

Incorporating a skylight into your home can also offer financial benefits. If your skylight or its accessories operate on solar power, you may qualify for the Federal Solar Tax Credit. As of January 2024, this credit allows you to deduct 30% of the cost of installing a solar product, which includes solar-powered skylights and their accessories.

5. What’s the Difference Between Curb-Mounted and Deck-Mounted Skylights?

The method of installation significantly influences how skylights are categorized, with two primary types: curb-mounted and deck-mounted skylights.

  • Deck-Mounted Skylights: These are installed directly onto the roof decking. This method provides a low-profile installation that is generally more energy-efficient. Deck-mounted skylights come pre-fitted to your roof’s decking, which makes them a popular choice for new installations.
  • Curb-Mounted Skylights: These are elevated off the roof surface and are built on-site to match specific dimensions. Moreover, people often use this method when they replace an existing skylight or install on low-pitched or flat roofs. Curb-mounted skylights may require custom flashing to ensure they are watertight.

Both types have their advantages and are suitable for different situations, so it’s important to consult with your skylight roofers in usa to determine which option is best for your home.

6. What Are the Different Types of Skylights?

Skylights come in a variety of styles and sizes to meet different needs and preferences. Here are the most common types:

  • Fixed Skylights: These do not open and are primarily used for bringing in natural light.
  • Manual Vented Skylights: These can be opened manually to allow for ventilation.
  • Electric Vented Skylights: These are operated by remote control, providing easy access to ventilation without manual effort.
  • Solar-Powered Vented Skylights: These skylights use solar power to operate, combining natural light with the ability to ventilate using renewable energy.
  • Sun Tunnels (Solar Tubes): They provide a smaller size and channel light through a tube into the space. They are ideal for areas where a traditional skylight might not fit.

You can also customize your skylights with additional features such as blinds, shades, and automation for enhanced convenience and comfort.

7. How Much Does a Skylight Installation Cost?

The cost of installing a skylight can vary widely depending on the type of skylight, the complexity of the installation, and the location. Generally, the cost ranges from $2,800 to $7,000, with an average cost around $4,800.

This price reflects the comprehensive nature of the installation process, which includes cutting into the roof and ceiling, framing, installing the skylight, flashing, and finishing the interior. Each step requires skilled labor and materials, contributing to the overall cost. While this may seem expensive, it’s important to remember that a skylight installation is a major home improvement project that involves multiple trades.

8. Are Skylights Worth It?

After considering the costs and potential benefits, you might wonder if skylights are worth the investment. For numerous homeowners, the verdict is a clear and enthusiastic yes. Hence, Skylights provide a significant increase in natural light, which can transform a space and create a more open, inviting atmosphere.

Beyond aesthetics, skylights can also improve energy efficiency by reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day and providing passive solar heating. Moreover, they can make your home more appealing to potential buyers, increasing its market value.

Ultimately, whether a skylight is worth it depends on your specific goals and how much you value the benefits they offer. If you desire more natural light and a boost in your home’s aesthetic and energy efficiency, a skylight is a worthwhile investment.

Are you ready to install your skylight?

Now that you’re armed with essential knowledge about skylights, you’re in a better position to decide if they’re right for your home. If you’re ready to move forward, it’s time to find a reputable skylights roofing contractor USA.

Remember, choosing the right contractor is crucial. Seek out professionals with experience and positive reviews to guarantee the proper skylight installation and optimal performance for years. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your living space or boost your home’s energy efficiency, a skylight is a bright choice that can bring many benefits.

For skylight roofing contractor in the USA, consult trusted resources and make an informed decision. With the right planning and professional assistance, your new skylight will be a beautiful and functional addition to your home.



Naples Roofing

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