Echo Chamber Of Love

Naquan Ross
3 min readJul 11, 2019


What is interesting about modern society is that we respond well to love, even though some of us spew hate.

In other words, love is desired. We all want to love and be loved. But how often do we spread love? How often do we feel loved? How often do we express love?

It may be difficult to quantify, but maybe that difficulty stems from a limited supply of love. We should be flooded with love, since everyone wants it. We should be drowning in the love of others. Instead, we settle for a mist of love.

Just a little a bit of love.

Some of us get those drops of love from our significant other, friend, family member, or self. But, we should get it from everyone. We should never have a short supply, but be overstocked. We should never feel the need to replenish, because our inventory is full and accounted for in every way possible.

For some reason, we often settle for less. We sometimes cheat ourselves from what we actually deserve. And love is deserving.

Now, of course we cannot force people to love us. We cannot demand love, nor can we fully control it. But, we can spread it.

We can do our part and show love to everyone we come in contact with daily. We can make love as natural as breathing. Imagine inhaling and exhaling love, it would make living so much more fulfilling and enjoyable. It would make a change in all of our lives for the better. Nothing is guaranteed, but we could vouch that the love we give is guaranteed.

We can use our love as a way of inviting more love.

In other words, love begets love. One’s expression of love, may lead to the expression of another, and so on and so on.

We need to let it ripple.

Let it affect everyone around you. Be part of the solution, and not the problem.

Of course, there may be those who may not make you feel loved in the way you would like, but you should still love them the best way you can. Because the love we have to give, should not be contingent on the love of others. It should not be measured by the actions of others. We should love to love.

Remember, it is something we all desire. Most, would argue, it is something we all need. It something that should be required. Possibly, something we need to highlight and focus more on a grand scale.

So, why do we accept a society that doesn’t amplify that daily? Why do we accept love to be finite and restricted? Why do we accept hate?

We need to raise the volume on love. Turn it all the way up. We need to make it loud, so everyone hears. And it starts with us, it starts with you. We need to make the first sound, in order to start an echo chamber of love!

Photo Credit: Alfredo Mora

