
Naquan Ross
2 min readSep 8, 2019


Photo Credit: Brett Jordan

There is a common phrase used often that seems to resonate from time to time, “words matter”. It is a common phrase that seems to ring true more so than not. Think of a world where it would not. Think of a relationship where it would not.

In this hypothetical relationship, a person you care for does not trust you to disclose personal thoughts and experiences. They do not tell you their truth, but whatever you want to hear, or in some cases, lies about what you do not want to hear. They put you a mindset of confusion, because you do not know what is real and what is not. They do not respond to your questions, your texts, or your advances. When they say they care for you or that they love you, do you believe it?

That is a relationship that seems to be beyond unhealthy, but complicated and rooted in confusion. A relationship that can feel one-sided, or that only has one person invested. Promises made are promises broken. Plans made remain plans. And, what you are together is a mystery.

See, words have more power than some people realize. Key elements of a functioning healthy relationship requires trust and communication, which could never be fully obtained without words.

Whether you speak them, write them, type them, or sign them, they are needed.

You would never be able to understand someone without the concepts of words. And the actual words used, appear to be even more important.

Yes, it is not uncommon to misspeak or use words you may not have meant to say, but the words you use to counteract that have greater significance.

People need to know that for the most part of what someone is saying is true, and that to some degree it represents them, or is a reflection of them.

Our words gives us an opportunity to express ourselves. It is an opportunity to show people who we are, how we feel, and what we value.

We can disclose our intentions and desires to people we care about.

It is important to say what you mean, and mean what you say.

That hypothetical relationship does not seem to be the type of relationship people would like to subscribe to, so it is important to do your part to avoid such a thing.

Words are a part of our world. Let us be mindful, and use them wisely.

Take these words written here in this article as an example.

Word is bond.

