Akshaya Bathula
5 min readDec 8, 2023

Ctrl + Alt + Explore: Journey into the Heart of Computer Studies

Part 1: The Basics

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Hello, hello, and welcome to my wonderful fellow explorers!
Hello, tech enthusiasts, fellow CSE students, and tech aspirants. I’m excited to accompany you on this virtual voyage across the complex world of computer studies. Our objective as we Ctrl + Alt + Explore is to delve into the core of this fascinating area, discovering its wonders and unraveling the secrets that bring the digital universe to life.

Why Ctrl + Alt + Explore?

You might be wondering why i chose this title Ctrl + Alt + Explore. Let's break it down for the simple understanding.

  • Ctrl: Represents the control we have over our exploration — taking charge of our learning journey.
  • Alt: Signifies the alternative perspectives and creative solutions we’ll encounter.
  • Explore: Encourages us to dive into the unknown, to question, to discover, and to constantly seek understanding.

Sounds Interesting right? Now let’s drive deep into this and explore a new adventure.

Let’s get into the basics that every computer student should know!

The language of the computers: Binary code

Unlike Humans, Computers don’t understand words or numbers. Modern software helps computers by decoding the information provided to the machine language or binary language. Binary is a base 2 number system, Base 2 indicates that there are only 2 numbers which are 0 and 1. In the decimal system ranging from 0–9 each digit is worth ten times more than the last one(1, 10, 100, 1000, etc.….), similarly, in the binary system each digit is worth more than 2 times of last one. It follows like the first digit is 1, the second is 2, the third is 4, the fourth is 8, and so on.

An example is to calculate the value of the binary digit.

10111 = (2⁴*1)+ (2³*0) + (2²*1)+ (2¹*1)+ (2⁰*0) = 16 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 23

Algorithms: Recipes for Problem Solving

Algorithms for the code or any program are step-to-step detailed processes to solve problems. From even numbers programs to complex coding programs algorithms are found everywhere. “For a given input a set of rules to obtain the expected output is known as Algorithm.” Algorithms are used in various applications like Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Operations Research, Mathematics, and Others.

Data Structures: Organizing Information

Imagine if there is a virtual filing cabinet in which we store our data, that data is stored efficiently for quick retrieval. That’s what the data structures do. There are several ways to store the data in memory some of them are arrays, queues, and linked lists. Detailed information on the data structures is presented here. (https://www.javatpoint.com/data-structure-tutorial)

Programming languages: Crafting Digital Instructions

There are many programming languages used in the current technology to communicate with computers. Some of my suggestions for picking up the programming languages are Python(simple and easy), C(beginning step), C++(can be learned effectively after C), Java(A bit tough but widely used), PHP(according to interest but outdated), JavaScript(can be useful). No matter the programming language the concept is to always communicate with the computer effectively.

Operating Systems(OS): The core of Computer

The Operating system is the central control hub of any computer. The OS acts as an interface between the system and the user. The purpose of the OS is to provide an environment in which users can effectively execute the programs.

Image taken from Javapoint

Computer Networks: Connecting the world together

In today’s era of global connectivity knowing about the networks in the computers is crucial. A set of devices connected through the links are known are computer networks. A node can be any device which is capable of sending or receiving the data ex: computer, prints, mobiles, etc. The links connecting these nodes are known as communication channels. A computer network employs distributed processing, which divides tasks across several computers. Instead, one computer does the full operation, but each machine handles a piece of it.

Cyber Security: The protector

It’s very essential to learn about the security aspect in a computer. Cyber security is a way that helps to prevent servers, devices, electronic gadgets and networks from digital attacks and damage. Several threats to the security of the system can include malware, viruses, worms, hacking and other attacks. There are also different protectors to help the system to prevent such attacks which include firewall protection, antivirus, strong authentication, and other techniques.

Hardware Essential: The Insiders

Let’s just take a peek inside your computer. What do you think you will find? Please just use your imagination of taking a peek inside your computer don’t dissemble the computer into different parts. (wink, wink)

Let’s dive into the hardware essentials that power your digital world:

  1. Central Processing Unit (CPU): The brain of your machine, handling all computations.
  2. Random Access Memory (RAM): Short-term memory for swift task execution.
  3. Storage Devices: HDDs and SSDs store your data and applications.
  4. Motherboard: The central hub connecting all components.
  5. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): Powers visual experiences, crucial for gaming and graphics.
  6. Power Supply Unit (PSU): Converts electrical power to keep everything running.
  7. Input and Output (I/O) Ports: Connect to external devices and peripherals.
  8. Cooling Systems: Fans and cooling tech prevent overheating.

Understanding these essentials empowers you to make informed decisions about your computer.

Now let’s get into a short personal experience before ending the article.

That was the year 18, and I thought it was only the start of my glorious days after the horrible prison experience in Intermediate at XXX college (If you know, you know). Just when I’m about to embark on the wonderful world of B.tech, my grim reaper appears in the guise of a book titled “Fundamentals of the C Programming Language.” That was my first introduction to a programming language, and believe me, I couldn’t even build a Hello World program without errors. That is, indeed, me. I despised everything about that lab, that language, and that book. After a few days, there was an internal lab test; I memorised every programme that possibly appear on the exam but still failed to run a single programme.

P.S I still don’t know C