What is Twin Transition? And how do Digital and Green Futures connect?

Somendra Narayan
6 min readMar 13, 2024


In the heart of our rapidly evolving world lies an untapped potential that could redefine the essence of progress. The notion of “twin transitions” — the seamless integration of digital innovation with the steadfast pursuit of environmental sustainability — stands at the forefront of this new frontier. This concept isn’t just an academic fancy or a fleeting trend; it’s the blueprint for our collective future, a delicate dance between technology and nature that could lead to unparalleled prosperity and ecological harmony.

World Economic Forum: The Twin Transition Playbook

As we stand at this junction, the decisions we make and the paths we choose will not only shape the contours of our societies but also determine the legacy we leave for the generations that follow. Let’s delve into the synergies and challenges of these twin transitions, exploring how, together, they hold the key to unlocking a world that many of us have dared only to dream about.

Digital Meets Green: A Symphony of Synergies

At first glance, the digital and green transitions might seem like distinct, even divergent paths. The digital transition is all about the pervasive integration of cutting-edge technologies into the fabric of our daily lives. It promises a future where innovation drives economic growth, enhances the quality of life, and bridges gaps in healthcare, education, and beyond.

Meanwhile, the green transition is our collective endeavor to pivot towards sustainability. It’s an ambitious project to decarbonize our economies, champion renewable energy, and safeguard our planet’s biodiversity for future generations.

Yet, when we look closer, the intersections between these transitions are not just plentiful but also potent. Digital technologies hold the key to unlocking efficiencies in renewable energy management, advancing sustainable farming practices, and promoting circular economic models. Through the lens of twin transitions, digital innovation becomes an indispensable ally in our quest for sustainability.

A prime example of the synergy between digital and green transitions is Denmark’s wind energy sector. Denmark, aiming to be carbon neutral by 2050, harnesses digital technologies to optimize its wind farms. Advanced data analytics and AI predict wind patterns, enhancing the efficiency of energy production. As a result, Denmark has become a global leader in wind energy, producing more than 40% of its electricity from wind power.

Photo by Mads Eneqvist on Unsplash

In Africa, digital solutions are revolutionizing small-scale farming, a vital sector for the continent’s sustainability and food security. Platforms like Kenya’s M-Farm provide farmers with real-time information on market prices, weather forecasts, and agricultural tips. Such innovations empower farmers to make informed decisions, improve crop yields, and reduce waste, contributing to economic resilience and environmental sustainability.

M-Farm: A women-led initiative at the forefront of tech-enabled sustainability

The Challenges of Convergence

However, this convergence is not without its challenges. The rapid expansion of digital infrastructure significantly increases energy consumption, posing a risk to our climate goals. The digital divide threatens to leave behind those without access to or knowledge of these technologies, exacerbating social inequalities.

The environmental impact of digital technologies themselves, particularly concerning energy consumption and electronic waste, presents a significant challenge. Data centers, pivotal to the digital economy, are estimated to account for around 1% of global electricity demand. Recognizing this, companies like Google and Facebook have committed to powering all of their operations with renewable energy, setting a precedent for the industry.

Moreover, the environmental footprint of the digital revolution cannot be ignored. The demand for rare earth metals and other resources for digital devices poses a substantial sustainability challenge, potentially undermining the goals of the green transition.


E-waste represents another major challenge, with the world generating about 50 million tonnes of it annually. However, initiatives like the European Union’s Circular Economy Action Plan aim to tackle this issue by promoting sustainable product design and enhancing recycling rates, illustrating a proactive approach to minimizing the environmental footprint of digital technologies.

A Call for Inclusive Innovation

To truly harness the potential of twin transitions, we must adopt a holistic approach. This means developing and deploying digital technologies in ways that are environmentally sound and socially inclusive. Investing in green tech, such as energy-efficient data centers and renewable energy for digital infrastructures, becomes imperative. But this is not enough. There is an urgent need for enabling technological innovations with both sustainability and profitability in mind.

Equally important is the commitment to ensuring these transitions are just and equitable. The concept of a “just transition” must underpin our efforts, ensuring that the move towards a green and digital future does not leave anyone behind. Initiatives focused on re-skilling and up-skilling the workforce are vital, preparing society for the jobs of tomorrow while providing safety nets for those impacted by these changes.

For instance, the European Union’s Just Transition Mechanism allocates funds to support regions most affected by the transition towards a green economy, focusing on reskilling workers and supporting small businesses.

The Road Ahead: A Collective Journey Toward a Brighter Future

As we stand on the precipice of a new era, the twin transitions beckon us toward a horizon filled with promise and potential. This journey, while fraught with challenges, offers a rare opportunity to fundamentally reshape our world for the better. It is a chance to weave the fabric of our societies with threads of sustainability and digital innovation, crafting a future that is not only prosperous but also equitable and sustainable.

The road ahead requires us to harness the collective wisdom, creativity, and spirit of collaboration that dwell within us. It invites us to dream boldly, act decisively, and embrace the complexity of change with open hearts and minds. As we navigate this transformative path, let us remember that the success of the twin transitions hinges not on the actions of a few, but on the participation and engagement of all.

Therefore, I extend an invitation to you to join in this vital conversation. Whether you are a technologist, an environmental advocate, an educator, a policy maker, or simply someone who dreams of a better world, your voice is crucial. Let us come together to share insights, challenge assumptions, and inspire action.

If this vision resonates with you, if you find yourself stirred by the promise of a digitally empowered and environmentally sustainable future, I encourage you to reach out. Share your thoughts, your fears, your hopes, and your ideas. Together, we can navigate the complexities of the twin transitions, turning challenges into opportunities and dreams into reality.

Let’s connect, collaborate, and create a future that generations to come will thank us for. The time to act is now. The future we envision is not just a possibility — it is within our grasp. Reach out, get involved, and let’s make it happen together.

Namaste! I’m Somendra Narayan. Among other things, I’m a thinker, a professor, an author, and an investor. Currently working on sustainable business models for critical and emerging technologies, policy frameworks for Web3/metaverse, and digital innovation in societies, networks, and governance.

Find out more at https://somendra.xyz/

