Daniel Ryan Cotler
2 min readApr 8, 2024

When I began my journey of recovery from narcissistic abuse, I was utterly shattered. The devastation was beyond words, rendering me unable to function or care for myself. I couldn't fathom things improving; those initial six months felt like enduring hell on Earth. It took nearly a year before I noticed any substantial changes.

I remember watching countless videos where people shared that things would improve, that I needed to hang on, but I couldn't bring myself to believe anyone. However, as those voices promised, my situation did begin to improve gradually. I started finding my way back to myself. While I still grapple with some lingering issues, I've come to realize my own worth.

I've nurtured a profound sense of self-love that was foreign to me before. My boundaries are now firm and unwavering, allowing only those who genuinely deserve to be in my life—those who show me love, respect, and kindness. I've come to understand that my abuser doesn't deserve someone like me; he's the one missing out.

The feelings of love I once had are now seen through the lens of understanding—a realization that they were rooted in a trauma bond. The person I believed I loved was merely a facade crafted to manipulate and hurt me.

Ironically, enduring this abuse became a profound gift from the universe. It led me to discover my true self, my voice, and my strength. I now live authentically, unafraid to assert myself or demand what I deserve.

When thoughts of my abuser surface, they're met with a sense of pity for his trapped existence within the cycle of narcissistic abuse—a cycle he inherited from his mother. I hope that one day he breaks free from it, sees the beauty within himself, and learns to love himself as I once did. He deserves that, and I genuinely cared for all aspects of him.

To anyone on their own path of healing from narcissistic abuse, I want you to hold on to hope. I promise you, it does get better. Please, stay strong and keep moving forward.

Daniel Ryan Cotler

Best Selling Poet and Author Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach amd 9 time suicide attempt survivor.