Narelle Ford
2 min readDec 11, 2019



Religion distorts people’s moral sensibilities especially fundamentalist religions. Scott Morrison illustrates the perfect example of this. Australia is beset with massive bush-fires, yet Scott Morrison seems more concerned with the New Zealand Volcano eruption. The best Scott Morrison could offer to those affected by the Bush-fire crisis was ‘Thoughts and Prayers’

With Scott Morrison the unimportant becomes important, the important becomes unimportant, we saw perfect example of this when he traveled to Sydney from Canberra on a RAAF VIP flight to attend Christmas drinks in the Newscorp Office.

Curiously enough, most of Australia’s social problems we have now are not addressed by religion unless its for a profit. Yet, both right and left claim equal Christian pedigree.

Religions have far more to do with stoning homosexuals than with social welfare provision or affordable housing.

Christianity in the 18th and 19th centuries was used to justify very violent societies, where it was thought impious to raise the level of the poor.

At the present juncture we have to ask whether religion does more harm than good. The Pentecostal movement. is not a. docile Labrador, its a cult centered around power and the worship of money. The likes of Brian Houston who now sees himself as a political player crave power and influence and he has achieved this with his status by being elevated to the personal Pastor of. Scott Morrison. Houston has direct access to Morrison and that is dangerous for our democracy.

Nevertheless, Scott Morrison thinks Religion and Politics should be one and the same. In his first speech to parliament, he outlined his beliefs as such:

“So what values do I derive from my faith? My answer comes from Jeremiah, chapter 9:24: ‘I am the Lord who exercises loving kindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things, declares the Lord”.

Morrison has made it very clear he places God ahead of Australia and this influences his decision making. The pity is he doesn’t practice what he preaches.

In Australia you can have any religion you like but it shouldn’t give you the right to special treatment. Religious people now want a special megaphone in the public square and Scott Morrison wants to give it to them.

Yet Scott Morrison wants to create a theocracy and he has the backing of a number of fellow Liberals for this to happen. Australia as a Pentecostal religious democracy is just too much to bear

Whilst we don’t see religion is particularly bad as some people do, and understand others. take great comfort from its words, especially the dying.

But its at certain historical moments when religion becomes. very dangerous and this is one of them. There is a risk Australia that will be undermined with the antics of this current Liberal Government, lets face it. no one wants. go back to the religious wars of the 17th century.

The only reason Christians are not still burning each other is because the secular state stopped them.

The Bulletin

(Published here by Narelle)

