How to Create a Discord Bot: A Step-by-Step Guide

Narender Beniwal
3 min readDec 10, 2022

Are you looking for a step-by-step guide on how to create a Discord bot? If so, you’re in the right place! In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a Discord bot, from start to finish.

First, let’s discuss what a Discord bot is. Simply put, a Discord bot is a piece of software that can be used to automate certain tasks on a Discord server. This can include tasks like moderating conversations, managing user roles, playing music, and more.

Before we dive into the step-by-step process, there are a few things you’ll need to have in place first:

  • A Discord account
  • Node.js installed on your computer
  • A text editor (we recommend Visual Studio Code)

With those things in place, let’s get started!

  1. Create a Discord bot

The first step in creating a Discord bot is to create a Discord account. If you don’t already have one, you can create one for free by visiting the Discord website and following the on-screen instructions.

Once you have a Discord account, the next step is to create a Discord bot. To do this, you’ll need to visit the Discord Developer Portal.

On the Discord Developer Portal, click the “New Application” button. This will open a new window where you can enter information about your bot, such as its name and description.

After you’ve entered this information, click the “Create” button to create your bot.

2. Add your bot to your Discord server

Once you’ve created your bot, the next step is to add it to your Discord server. To do this, you’ll need to generate an authorization token for your bot.

To generate an authorization token, go to the “Bot” tab on the Discord Developer Portal and click the “Add Bot” button. This will generate an authorization token for your bot.

Next, you’ll need to add your bot to your Discord server. To do this, go to the “OAuth2” tab on the Discord Developer Portal and scroll down to the “Scopes” section. In this section, select the “bot” scope, and then select the permissions your bot will need.

Once you’ve selected the appropriate permissions, click the “Copy” button next to the “OAuth2 URL Generator” at the bottom of the page. This will copy a URL to your clipboard, which you can use to invite your bot to your Discord server.

To invite your bot to your Discord server, paste the URL into your web browser and follow the on-screen instructions. This will add your bot to your Discord server and give it the permissions you selected earlier.

3. Write your bot’s code

With your bot added to your Discord server, it’s time to start writing your bot’s code. To do this, you’ll need to open a text editor and create a new file.

In this file, you’ll need to include the following code:

This code



Narender Beniwal

Hi there, I'm a tech enthusiast and blogger. On my blog, you'll find articles and tutorials on the latest gadgets and trends. Thanks for reading!