How to Deal with Imbalanced Data

Narender Kumar
14 min readOct 16, 2023


In the world of machine learning and data science, the quality of your data is the bedrock upon which models are built. When faced with classification problems, a common challenge is dealing with imbalanced data. In such cases, one class significantly outweighs the others, and this imbalance can severely affect the performance of machine learning models. To address this issue effectively, we need to understand the challenges posed by imbalanced data and explore strategies to overcome them.

Understanding the Imbalanced Data Challenge

Before we delve into the solutions, it’s essential to grasp the reasons behind imbalanced data and the consequences it has on machine learning tasks.

Causes of Imbalanced Data

  1. Real-world distribution: In many scenarios, one class naturally occurs less frequently than the others. For example, fraudulent credit card transactions are relatively rare compared to legitimate ones.
  2. Data collection bias: Biases in data collection processes can lead to class imbalance. Consider surveys about disease occurrences that may only capture a small portion of those affected due to limited resources or accessibility.
  3. Event rarity: In certain applications, the rarity of specific events, such as equipment failures in industrial settings, inherently leads to class imbalance.

Implications of Imbalanced Data

Handling imbalanced data is crucial because it gives rise to several problems:

  1. Training bias: Models trained on imbalanced data tend to favor the majority class. As a result, they perform poorly when it comes to generalizing to minority classes.
  2. Misleading evaluation: Conventional metrics like accuracy can be deceptive. A model that classifies all instances as the majority class may exhibit high accuracy but is practically ineffective.
  3. Failure to detect rare events: In domains like medical diagnosis or fraud detection, missing rare but critical cases can have significant consequences.

Now that we’ve understood the imbalanced data problem’s causes and consequences, let’s explore strategies to mitigate these challenges.

Strategies to Address Imbalanced Data

There are several strategies to deal with imbalanced data. The choice of strategy depends on the specific problem and dataset. Here, we’ll delve into these strategies with detailed explanations and examples.

1. Resampling

Resampling is a technique that involves modifying the distribution of data in the dataset to achieve a better balance between classes. Two primary methods for resampling are oversampling and undersampling.


Oversampling aims to increase the number of instances in the minority class. This is done to ensure that the minority class is represented more adequately in the dataset. Two common methods of oversampling are:

  • Random Oversampling: In this method, you randomly duplicate instances from the minority class to match the majority class’s size.
  • SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique): SMOTE generates synthetic data points by interpolating between existing minority class samples. This technique helps in addressing class imbalance by creating new instances that are similar to the minority class but not exact replicas.

Example of Random Oversampling:

Suppose you’re working on a credit card fraud detection system. In your dataset, you have 1000 legitimate transactions (majority class) and only 20 fraudulent transactions (minority class). This extreme class imbalance can lead to biased results. To mitigate this, you randomly oversample the minority class to create a more balanced dataset. After applying random oversampling, you have 1000 legitimate transactions and, let’s say, 400 fraudulent transactions. This rebalancing ensures that the model has more opportunities to learn from the minority class.

While oversampling can effectively balance the dataset, it can also lead to overfitting if not applied judiciously. It’s essential to evaluate the model’s performance on a separate test set to ensure it generalizes well.


Undersampling involves reducing the number of instances in the majority class. By doing this, the goal is to make the dataset more balanced. Some common techniques for undersampling include:

  • Random Undersampling: In this approach, you randomly remove instances from the majority class until you achieve the desired balance between classes.
  • Tomek Links: This method identifies and removes pairs of instances from different classes that are the nearest neighbors of each other. By eliminating such pairs, the separation between classes is improved, making it easier for the model to distinguish between them.

Example of Random Undersampling:

Continuing with the credit card fraud detection example, you have 1000 legitimate transactions (majority class) and 20 fraudulent transactions (minority class). To address the imbalance, you randomly undersample the majority class. After applying random undersampling, you might have 400 legitimate transactions and 20 fraudulent transactions, achieving a more balanced distribution.

While undersampling can effectively balance the dataset, it’s important to be cautious, as it reduces the size of the dataset and may result in the loss of valuable information. Therefore, it’s often used in combination with other techniques to achieve a balance without significantly reducing the dataset size.

2. Cost-sensitive Learning

Cost-sensitive learning is another approach to handling imbalanced data, and it involves assigning different misclassification costs to different classes during model training. By assigning a higher cost to misclassifying the minority class, the model is incentivized to focus more on accurately predicting the minority class instances.

Several machine learning algorithms support cost-sensitive learning through class weighting or custom loss functions. The challenge lies in fine-tuning these cost parameters to achieve the desired balance between precision and recall.

Example of Cost-sensitive Learning:

Let’s consider a medical diagnosis scenario where you’re building a model to detect a rare disease. The dataset has 1000 non-disease cases (majority class) and only 10 disease cases (minority class). To emphasize the importance of correctly identifying disease cases, you assign a higher cost to misclassifying them. The cost-sensitive learning framework ensures that the model is penalized more for false negatives (failing to detect disease cases) than for false positives (misclassifying non-disease cases as disease cases). This approach encourages the model to be more sensitive to the minority class and to prioritize recall.

By using cost-sensitive learning, you can strike a balance between precision and recall based on the specific needs of your application.

3. Collect More Data

One of the fundamental ways to address imbalanced data is by collecting more data for the minority class. While this approach may not always be feasible, especially for rare events or situations where data collection is expensive or time-consuming, it remains one of the most effective strategies when possible.

Example of Collecting More Data:

Suppose you are working on a model to predict customer churn for a subscription-based service. In your current dataset, you have records for 1,000 satisfied customers (majority class) and only 100 churned customers (minority class). The imbalance in the dataset makes it challenging to build an accurate model for churn prediction. To address this issue, you implement a targeted marketing campaign to re-engage with at-risk customers and encourage them to continue their subscriptions. As a result of this campaign, you manage to retain 50 out of the 100 churned customers, which means you now have 1,000 satisfied customers and 150 churned customers. This additional data for the minority class contributes to a more balanced dataset and helps improve the model’s performance.

4. Use Different Algorithms

Another approach to address imbalanced data is to choose machine learning algorithms that are less sensitive to class imbalance. Some algorithms naturally handle imbalanced data better than others. Additionally, there are specialized algorithms designed explicitly for imbalanced datasets.

Algorithms Less Sensitive to Imbalanced Data:

  • Decision Trees: Decision tree-based algorithms, such as Random Forests, are less sensitive to class imbalance because they make decisions based on the information gain in each split. As long as the minority class contains informative features, decision trees can handle imbalanced data well.
  • Naive Bayes: Naive Bayes classifiers are based on probabilistic principles and can perform reasonably well with imbalanced data, as they calculate the conditional probabilities of class membership.

Specialized Algorithms for Imbalanced Data:

  • Balanced Random Forest: This algorithm is an extension of the traditional Random Forest that provides better performance on imbalanced data. It works by balancing class distributions within each decision tree during training.
  • EasyEnsemble: EasyEnsemble is an ensemble learning method that creates multiple balanced subsets of the data and trains base classifiers on these subsets. The predictions of these classifiers are then combined to make final predictions.

Example of Using Different Algorithms:

Suppose you are working on a sentiment analysis project, where you want to classify customer reviews into positive and negative categories. In your dataset, you have 1,000 positive reviews (majority class) and only 100 negative reviews (minority class). You start by training a simple logistic regression model, which, due to the class imbalance, struggles to correctly classify negative reviews. You then switch to using a Random Forest classifier, which leverages the information gain from features to make decisions. The Random Forest model, being less sensitive to class imbalance, performs significantly better on the imbalanced dataset, improving the accuracy of sentiment analysis for both positive and negative reviews.

5. Anomaly Detection

In some cases, the minority class represents anomalies or rare events. Instead of framing the problem as a traditional classification task, you can treat it as an anomaly detection problem. Anomaly detection algorithms are specifically designed to identify rare and unusual instances.

Example of Anomaly Detection:

Consider a network security application where you want to detect network intrusions. In your dataset, you have data for normal network traffic (majority class) and instances of network intrusions (minority class). Network intrusions are relatively rare compared to normal traffic. Instead of using a classification approach, you apply anomaly detection methods, such as the Isolation Forest or One-Class SVM, to identify unusual patterns or outliers in the network data. These algorithms are effective in detecting network intrusions and can be more robust when dealing with imbalanced data.

6. Evaluation Metrics

When working with imbalanced data, it’s essential to choose appropriate evaluation metrics that consider the class imbalance. Conventional metrics like accuracy can be misleading, especially when the majority class dominates the dataset. Instead, focus on metrics that provide a more accurate assessment of the model’s performance.

Common Evaluation Metrics for Imbalanced Data:

  • Precision: Precision measures the accuracy of positive predictions. It’s the ratio of true positive predictions to the total positive predictions. High precision indicates that the model makes fewer false-positive errors.
  • Recall (Sensitivity): Recall measures the ability of the model to correctly identify positive instances. It’s the ratio of true positive predictions to the total actual positive instances. High recall indicates that the model captures a significant portion of positive instances.
  • F1-Score: The F1-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. It balances the trade-off between these two metrics and is particularly useful when the cost of false positives and false negatives is uneven.
  • Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC-ROC): The AUC-ROC measures the model’s ability to distinguish between classes across various threshold levels. It provides an overall assessment of model performance.
  • Area Under the Precision-Recall Curve (AUC-PRC): The AUC-PRC focuses on the precision-recall trade-off. It’s particularly relevant when dealing with highly imbalanced data.

Example of Using Appropriate Evaluation Metrics:

Suppose you are working on a medical diagnostic model to detect a rare disease. In your dataset, you have 1,000 healthy patients (majority class) and 20 patients with the disease (minority class). Using traditional accuracy as the evaluation metric may be misleading since a model that predicts all patients as healthy would still achieve high accuracy. To assess the model’s performance more accurately, you choose to use precision, recall, and the F1-score as the primary evaluation metrics. By doing this, you prioritize the ability of the model to correctly identify patients with the disease and minimize false negatives, which are crucial in this medical context.

7. Threshold Adjustment

In classification tasks, models produce probability scores, and a threshold is applied to these scores to make binary predictions. By adjusting the classification threshold, you can control the trade-off between precision and recall.

Example of Threshold Adjustment:

Let’s say you are working on a model to predict customer churn in a subscription-based service. In your dataset, you have 1,000 satisfied customers (majority class) and 100 churned customers (minority class). You train a logistic regression model and use the default threshold of 0.5 for classification. However, you find that the model’s recall is lower than desired because it is conservative in predicting churn. To improve recall, you can lower the threshold to, for instance, 0.3. This adjustment increases the number of predicted churned customers, potentially resulting in more false positives, but it also improves the model’s ability to capture true positives and reduce false negatives. Threshold adjustment allows you to customize the model’s behavior based on your specific needs and the relative costs of false positives and false negatives.

8. Ensemble Methods

Ensemble learning involves combining the predictions of multiple base models to create a more robust and accurate final prediction. Ensemble methods can be beneficial when dealing with imbalanced data.

Common Ensemble Techniques for Imbalanced Data:

  • Bagging: Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating) involves training multiple models on bootstrapped subsets of the data and combining their predictions. It can help reduce overfitting and improve model generalization.
  • Boosting: Boosting algorithms, like AdaBoost and Gradient Boosting, iteratively train models, giving more weight to misclassified instances. This approach is particularly useful in addressing the imbalance by focusing on the minority class during training.
  • Stacking: Stacking combines predictions from multiple base models by training a meta-model on top of them. It can be effective in improving overall performance, especially in imbalanced datasets.

Example of Ensemble Methods:

Imagine you are working on a credit scoring model where you aim to predict credit defaults (minority class) in a dataset that contains 1,000 non-default cases (majority class) and 100 default cases. To improve the model’s performance on the minority class, you decide to use an ensemble approach. You start by training three base models: a Random Forest, an AdaBoost classifier, and a Support Vector Machine (SVM). These models are trained independently on the imbalanced data. Then, you use a meta-classifier, such as a logistic regression model, to combine their predictions. By doing so, you leverage the strength of each base model and create a more accurate and robust credit scoring model, especially in detecting defaults.

9. Data Augmentation

Data augmentation is a technique commonly used in computer vision tasks, but it can also be applied to other types of data. It involves creating new instances by applying various transformations to the existing data. Data augmentation can help balance the dataset and improve model performance.

Example of Data Augmentation:

Suppose you are working on an image classification task where you need to classify rare bird species. In your dataset, some bird species are underrepresented, leading to class imbalance. To address this issue, you apply data augmentation techniques such as rotation, cropping, and flipping to the images of rare bird species. By creating multiple variations of these images, you effectively increase the number of samples for the minority classes. Data augmentation not only balances the dataset but also enhances the model’s ability to generalize to different variations of the same species.

10. Stratified Sampling

When splitting your data into training and testing sets, it’s crucial to ensure that both sets maintain the same class distribution as the original dataset. Stratified sampling is a method that helps prevent the majority class from dominating the training or testing set.

Example of Stratified Sampling:

Suppose you have a dataset with 1,000 instances of class A (majority class) and 100 instances of class B (minority class). When splitting the dataset into training and testing sets, you apply stratified sampling to ensure that both sets have the same class distribution as the original dataset. As a result, the training set will contain 900 instances of class A and 90 instances of class B, while the testing set will have 100 instances of class A and 10 instances of class B. This ensures that both sets accurately represent the class distribution and that the model’s performance is evaluated fairly.

11. Residual Analysis

After training your model, it’s essential to analyze the model’s residuals, which are the differences between the model’s predictions and the actual values. Residual analysis helps identify instances where the model consistently makes errors on the minority class. By understanding these errors, you can take corrective actions, such as adding more features, using different modeling techniques, or providing more examples for the minority class.

Example of Residual Analysis:

Suppose you have built a model for identifying fraudulent credit card transactions, with 1,000 legitimate transactions (majority class) and 100 fraudulent transactions (minority class) in your dataset. After training your model, you analyze the residuals and find that it consistently misclassifies a particular subset of fraudulent transactions. Upon closer inspection, you discover that these transactions have similar characteristics and are often related to a specific type of fraud. To address this issue, you decide to engineer additional features that capture the unique patterns of this fraud type. After retraining the model with these new features, its performance improves, and it can now correctly identify the previously challenging subset of fraudulent transactions.

12. Domain Knowledge

Leveraging domain expertise is a powerful strategy for addressing imbalanced data. Domain experts can help you engineer features or create rules that enhance the model’s ability to distinguish between the classes, especially the minority class.

Example of Domain Knowledge:

Consider a wildlife conservation project where you are developing a model to detect endangered animal species in camera trap images. In your dataset, there are 1,000 images of common species (majority class) and only 50 images of endangered species (minority class). To improve the model’s performance, you collaborate with wildlife experts who provide valuable insights. They help you identify distinctive characteristics of endangered species in the images, such as specific markings or behaviors. You use this domain knowledge to engineer new features that capture these characteristics, making it easier for the model to distinguish between the classes.

13. Regularization

Regularization techniques, such as L1 and L2 regularization, can be used to prevent overfitting on the majority class. By applying regularization, you encourage the model to generalize better on the entire dataset, including the minority class.

Example of Regularization:

Suppose you are working on a model to predict product defects in a manufacturing process. In your dataset, there are 1,000 defect-free products (majority class) and 50 defective products (minority class). During model training, you apply L2 regularization to the logistic regression model. The regularization penalty helps prevent the model from overfitting on the majority class, ensuring that it maintains a balance between precision and recall for both classes.

14. Cross-Validation

Cross-validation is a crucial step in model evaluation and validation, especially when dealing with imbalanced data. It helps ensure that the model’s performance is consistent across different data splits. Techniques like stratified k-fold cross-validation are particularly useful when the class distribution is imbalanced.

Example of Cross-Validation:

Let’s say you are building a model to predict customer churn for a subscription-based service. In your dataset, you have 1,000 satisfied customers (majority class) and 100 churned customers (minority class). To evaluate the model’s performance effectively, you apply 5-fold cross-validation, ensuring that each fold maintains the same class distribution as the original dataset. By cross-validating your model, you can obtain a more reliable estimate of its performance and identify any potential issues related to class imbalance.


Dealing with imbalanced data is a common challenge in the field of machine learning. Imbalanced datasets can lead to biased models and inaccurate predictions, particularly for the minority class. However, with a range of strategies at your disposal, you can address this challenge effectively.

The choice of strategy depends on the specific problem, the nature of the data, and the goals of your project. Often, a combination of strategies yields the best results. It’s essential to experiment with different approaches, fine-tune models, and select the evaluation metrics that align with your objectives.

In the second part of this article, we will continue to explore additional techniques and real-world examples to handle imbalanced data. We will cover techniques such as cost-sensitive learning, threshold adjustment, and more practical scenarios where these strategies are applied. Stay tuned for more insights on addressing the imbalanced data challenge.

